(Ep 4) Going to Hogwarts

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The summer went by in a flash, the next thing I know is I'm packing to travel to Hogwarts. "Do you have all your books? clothes?" Narcissa asked. "Yes ma'am! I'm already." I told her. We all four (Mr./Mrs. Malfoy, Draco and I) got into the car to travel to Platform 9  3/4 and boarded Hogwarts Express. I was going to sit by Draco but I realized that Pansy was already there. I continue to walk and see two boys and a girl. "Hello. Is it alright if I sit here with you guys?" I asked them. "Well of course! come in. I'm Hermione Granger." She says. "I'm Maddie." I tell the three of them. "I'm Ron Weasley, and this is Harry Potter." Ron says as he points to Harry sleeping. I sit inside their compartment and tell them about me transferring from Beauxbatons and how it wasn't my favorite.

We finally made it to Hogwarts and I parted from all the year 6 students to get sorted into my house. I honestly wanted to be in Gryffindor because of my new friends, but it was my decision to pick. "Maddie" Mrs. McGonagall shouted. I walked up to the shorting hat and sat down. "Hmm...this is quite difficult....I think SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted. I walked over the to the Slytherin table and I heard whispers. "What is a mudblood doing here?" Pansy asked. I just roll my eyes and sit down away from everyone. 

Once the feast was over, I didn't eat much, I went to go to the common room, but someone grabbed me by the arm. "What do you want Draco?" I asked. "Did you tell the hat to put you in here?!" he asks angrily. "I didn't ask to be put in Slytherin ok." I told him. "Oh I bet you wanted Gryffindor. Yea I saw you hanging out with Pottah." He told me almost shouting. "You know what. I think I would rather be in Gryffindor because my REAL friends are in that house." I yell at him as I leave to my dorm. Once I got to my room I started to cry. I've been in that type of situation before, but I never really felt this way about it. 

Hours later I heard a knock on my door. "Hey Maddie. It's me Draco.." he says. I hesitate. "Go away.... I don't want to hear your voice right now."  I say crying. I instantly regretted saying that. "sorry. I didn't mean that..." I said quietly, "but I don't want to talk right now." He looks back at me. "Well then don't talk, but please listen." he say. I sit up crying. "fine." I say. He looks at me with an upset look on his face. "Look Maddie I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" he asks. I think about it for a second, even though I knew my answer. "Draco..of course I do. That's what...F-f-rien-ds are for..." I say crying. He wipes my tears and gives me a hug before leaving. 

It's been a couple of hours since I've been in the Slytherin House and Pansy is making my life horrible. I make it seem like I don't mind, but it hurts me, so I try to avoid her by hanging out with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. "Hey guys!" I said to the three of them. "Hey girly!" Hermione said. She nudged for Ron and Harry to leave because she knew that Draco didn't like them all that much. "Wait..who are they?" I ask Hermione pointing to a group of people in yellow ties. "Oh that's Cedric and his friends. They are from Hufflepuff." she tells me. The group comes walking over and a guy starts talking. "Hello Hermione, hello... oh I don't think we've met before. I'm Cedric." Cedric says. I look him in the eyes and stick out my hand. "Hello Cedric, I'm Maddie." I tell him. The three of us talk for a bit before he has to go to quidditch practice. "You guys should come to the game later. We'll sit together." Cedric says. "Brilliant! We'll see you there." Hermione says. I give her a look of concerned. "What Maddie. He is nice." she says. "Yea I know that, but it's Slytherin verses Gryffindor. In case you forgot, I'm a Slytherin and you are a Gryffindor." I tell her. She looks at me. "Right. You seem so non-Slytherin though.." she tells me. 

Hours go by and it time to get ready for the game. I put on a black dress with a ripped denim jacket and black shoes. I head out before Pansy comes up to me. "Well well well. I don't think it's right for you to cheer on Gryffindor if you are a Slytherin, mudblood." She tells me. "Why do you care? I don't even want to go, but I'm forced to." I tell her. She rolls her eyes. "Well then you wont be going." she tells me as she is about to punch me in the face. I grab her hand. "Don't touch me pug face." I tell her throwing her hand down and walking away. I get to the quidditch field to meet Cedric and Hermione. "Hey guys. sorry I'm late..Pansy again." I tell them. "Oh it's Maddie. You are right on time." Cedric tells me. We watch the game and many people are cheering. "GO HARRY!" one side said. "GO DRACO!" the other side chanted. I didn't know which side to go for so I just stayed quite while Hermione and Cedric cheered on Harry and Ron. It was a close game, but Draco caught the golden snitch and won the game for Slytherin. I go down to the field and talk to Harry and Ron before someone grabs my arm taking you back to the Slytherin Common Room.

"What do you want? Who are you?" I ask all these questions. "Don't talk to Gryffindors, especially those mud bloods." a guy said. "Crabbe you should tell her our names first." an other guy said. "Oh right. I'm Crabbe and this is Goyle. Now stay away from them." Crabbe said. I look at them. "No." I tell them and go off to my room to go to bed. "Psst...Maddie. " Pansy whispers. "What do you want. I don't want to talk to you." I told her. "Well good luck getting back into your room..." she tells me and runs off to her room. I walk up to my door and realized she locked it, stopping me from getting in, so I head back to the couch and try to fall asleep there...

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