Decisions And Discussions. Part II.

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It's one of the very few times that he hasn't taken care of his appearance. I mean that his shirt is crumpled, half of its buttons are open, his hair is very messy, he smells alcohol and his lips are dry, he is a wreck.

"The damn bastard is HER MATE! THE SHAME OF WEREWOLVES!" he states through his teeth, leaning forward, ready to kill me with his furious gaze and I blink my eyes confused.

I move a little bit on my seat and start rubbing my knees again. I try to understand whom he means, but I can't. Hayley's sweet face comes in my mind and I am incapable of thinking, but not for too long.

I remember the one person Damian calls 'bastard' and 'shame', mostly because I hate him for who he is, and I jump up, not wanting to believe it. I leave out a very loud roar and slam my hands on his desk, not caring if I break it, if he does the same, or if I challenge my fate and risk my life.

This can't be true...

Her son... My daughter's mate!? Gabriel's clone? The young rat?

"KILL HIM! KILL HIM NOW!" I roar demandingly, not able of stopping even for a second, and continue crashing my fists on the hard desk again and again, wishing that it was his empty head.

There is no worse curse than this one. There is no way that he touches my daughter, marks her and... I don't even want to say it, this is unacceptable. I would prefer her to die than become his forever.

His parents destroyed my life, they took everything from me, each of them in a different way, but the result is the same and it will never change. I hate them with all my heart, I want them dead, my life's purpose is to see them dead in front of me, and now this tragedy...

"I want Hayley here and him dead, now! RIGHT NOW!" I scream wildly while my wolf howls outraged and tries to shift despite my will.

I had never imagined that I would want Hayley so much here, but I do. This news leaves me no choice, no time to think. Anything else would be better than allowing to that dog to have my child, anywhere else would be better than that pack, anyone else would be better mate for Hayley than him.

Anyone else, but him!

"You want her, she is yours! Kill him and bring her here, Damian! Do it!" I scream when I see no reaction from him yet, and it works, because he narrows his eyes, raises his hands and points my seat.

Yes, this is it!

Damian is the one for her, although I had my doubts until now. I raised him, I'm like a mother for him, I stood next to him and his family, I supported him and I regret doubting him few weeks ago, when he told me his plans about getting Hayley.

Back then I thought that he wanted her only for her power and rare nature. I believed that he just wanted to use her in order to take revenge from Edgar and take over his pack by using Hayley. Also, I thought that he would hurt her and wouldn't be gentle and caring with her, but now I distinguish honestly.

It makes sense why he reacted that way before. It's because he said the truth, he truly wants her. I was an idiot for having many second thoughts about him, but I am her mother, I had to do so. I don't want her to get hurt, I need her to be happy and safe, and she will be both of these, but with Damian, not with the fuckers' son.

"It took you too long to give me your permission and blessings, not that I need them anyway, but better late than never, right 'mom'?" he asks me ironically, with bitterness and frustration, warning me in a way to not cross the limits of his, and I sit down abruptly.

I sigh in frustration, feeling my lungs taking fire, just like my heart, and run both of my hands through my hair, still not believing it. I will never accept it, it's impossible, a joke.

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