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Grace is an excellent cook. Whenever there's a light celebration of any good thing at their brothel, women would request Grace to cook the meal which she does happily at those times.

But now as she cooks dinner in his posh untouched kitchen, she cannot feel the happiness, all she felt is the constant sword that's hanging on her head.

Steph don't know a thing about cooking, so she's just standing beside Grace and talking nonstop. Stephanie kinda make it less fearful for Grace at this place.

Grace was halfway done with her cooking when she abruptly jumped in her place. Startled by his deep voice. Both the girls turned to face him. Grace didn't look him in the eyes, she was tense.

"You brought dinner?" Stephanie asked confused and the same expression was on Carlos's face as he stared at Grace cooking.

Grace peaked at the parcel of food in his hand and then slowly at his face. She abruptly looked away before her eyes could meet his.

"I didn't want her to tire herself that's why ordered this." He lied smoothly cause as a matter of fact he doesn't even know if Grace can cook.

He placed the parcel on the slab and came behind Grace, she became alert but her body stiffened the moment his large hands landed on each side of her hips and his lips touched her temple in a soft kiss.

Grace was holding her breath. She was terrified of his soft acts when she knows how beast of a man he is. With that gesture he left the girls in the kitchen and went to his room to freshen up.

"My brother is smitten by you." Stephanie spoke in a sing a song manner making Grace a lot more uncomfortable as she gave the jolly girl an awkward smile.

Grace placed the food on the dining table along with the food he brought which was way too more for three people.

Steph settled herself on the seat and Grace was about to sit beside Stephanie when she felt a hand snaking on her waist. She gasped softly when Carlos moved her to the chair beside his head chair, pulling the chair for her, he gave her a soft smile like a true gentleman.

Grace felt her heart beating erratically at his tactics. How can looks be so deceiving? He then settles in his chair. She peaked at him through her lashes to find him in his sweats. He looked so casual and normal. Less intimidating.

Both brother and sister served themselves but Grace just stayed immobile. Her mind was running at extreme speed with millions of thoughts at a time. The most nerve wrecking thought was, how she'll escape.

"Damn! This is delicious." Stephanie complemented while chewing on her food made by Grace. Carlos was also eating the same dish in silence.

Both brother and sister served the wine to themselves and Grace just avoided it. She doesn't drink.

Grace said a small thank you to Stephanie and then her stomach grumbled lowly, she hasn't eaten anything from yesterday but if she wants to get away from here, she needs energy and for that she must eat. She can feel his hawk like eyes on her, which made her more bothered. His warnings on the phone rang clear in her mind.

She served herself small amount and started eating in small spoons. They ate in silence when Carlos spoke up. "You'll be back to work in the morning babe. I had to face a lot of difficulty today cause of your absence." Carlos spoke while looking at Grace, and she felt it hard to swallow the food through her food pipe.

What is this new drama she thought but nonetheless nodded her head like a scared child. "You know, you can hire a new assistant bro." Stephanie advised to which Carlos smiled and shook his head.

"What's the fun in that? And it feels better working with your babe." He mused, Sharp blue eyes met hazel ones and Grace felt chills down run her spine. Now she understands why he wants her back on work, so he can torment her more.

Grace lowered her eyes. She was on the edge of anxiety thinking of all the scenarios that'll take place after the leave of Stephanie.

Grace has tried the lift in evening when Steph was in restroom but it was locked and can only be working by the finger print of his and most probably Steph's .

"It was really an amazing dinner. Thank you so much Grace. I really like you, you're such a down to earth person." Stephanie spoke while wearing her coat as she was about to leave.

"Thank you. Y-you can stay for the night." Grace offered hopefully knowing fully well that it'll piss him off, but she has to try no matter what.

"No dear thanks for the offer, I'll visit you soon or you can visit us at our mansion." Stephanie spoke the last part while looking behind Grace and Grace literally tensed when she felt a large hand snaked around her waist as his fingers dig in her flesh making it clear that he's angry.

"Sure, I'll bring her." He assured Stephanie in a smooth voice but his hold on Grace says otherwise.

Stephanie placed her thumb on the fingerprint scan lock and the elevator opened. Steph got inside and waved bye at them. All Grace wants to do at that moment was to run in that elevator but Carlos's hold on her was tight, the elevator got closed with a ding sound.

Grace's heart drop, and she immediately pushed out of his hold and made a run for one of the rooms to lock herself in but before she can even cross the lounge. She was yanked back harshly and pushed on the couch.

She didn't even gather her bearings when a large muscular form hovered over her making her to let out a scream of protest.

"DON'T! STOP!" She screamed on top of her lungs while punching her fists at his jaw, shoulders and chest. He simply holds both of her wrists and slammed them above her head, making her chest to arch.

Her hazel eyes met with the stormy blue ones that are filled with hunger and lust. Her stomach dropped knowing his intentions.

"Please! Let m-me go!" She let out a cry. Closing her eyes she let the tears fall as she continued.

"I'm not a whore! I was just a dancer. You ruined me! You took away the most precious and sacred thing of my life. P-please I'm not a whore! Nor a mistress! Let me go!" She spoke in a scared voice as tears continued to fall. She was struggling violently while saying all that but to no avail. He's a beast, who didn't even budge and all her struggling only tired her as she breathed heavily.

Next words he said shocked her and her eyes shot opened wide.

"Be my girlfriend then."

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