Chapter 1 - 'loving hearing each others laughter'

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Freya Nightingale @Freyyx

I'm ill but no-one is making me soup...

Freya stares hopefully at the back of her boyfriends head from where she is snuggled up in his bed. His chair turns slowly, revealing his computer screen with some sort of editing software, that Freya doesn't understand, open on it. The smile on his face gives her butterflies.

"Do you want some soup?", he asks, chuckling to himself. Freya pokes her head out of her duvet cocoon just enough to nod.

He laughs again, standing up and walking over to her. After planting a quick kiss on her forehead, he leaves the room, presumably to make soup.

She goes into some sort of daze, staring at where Josh left the room and going into some sort of illness induced insanity that causes her mind to think about different crazy reasons as to why he wouldn't return, the most sane one involving silent zombies that can't climb stairs. Freya is brought from her thoughts when Simon walks past the door, poking his head in and giving her a smile before leaving again.

Two hours pass and Freya has finished her soup and is feeling a lot better so is sitting on a bean bag on the floor, silently, whilst Josh records a video. Freya swore when her and Josh got together that she would never be in one of his videos because she wouldn't be comfortable being watched by a couple thousand people she didn't know, which is why she would not even consider it four years later. It was no longer a couple thousand but many hundreds of thousands and that thought alone scared her. There was a part of her inside that feared for Josh, feared that he would get hurt. She had seen a lot of the hate he got but it seemed to affect her more than him, like he had grown a defense system against it while Freya could only watch and wait til the day came that one of the enemy soldiers would get through and start hacking and slashing at her beloved Josh.

She had to ignore them though, there wasn't anything she could do about it.

Josh's chair spins round and he smiles at her, a smile full of love.

"Wanna go out?", he sounds hopeful and Freya knows it's because they haven't had much chance to spend time together, with Josh busy with something YouTube related most days and Freya at university with lots of homework to do they find it hard to dedicate time to each other.

"Are you asking me on a date, Joshua?", she asks, a playful smile resting on her lips. Josh stands walking over to where she is and leaning down, pressing his lips to hers.

He pulls away after a second, "No," he kisses her cheek, "strictly friends."

His smirk stirs the playful atmosphere in the room so Freya responds, "Good, I'm too busy to handle a committed relationship. They're way too much work."

He kisses her jawline, "Nandos?"

"I was thinking more TGI's."

He kisses just below her ear.

"Okay, TGI's it is then." Josh stands abruptly, a frown forming across Freya's face.

"I was enjoying that!"

"Strictly friends, remember?"

She huffs as Josh leaves the room, running down the stairs.


Josh Zerker @ZerkaaHD

I don't know why I go on dates... @Freyyx won't stop kicking me

Freya Nightingale @freyyx

@ZerkaaHD You said it was strictly friends? I told you, I don't want to date anyone.

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