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"What did I tell you?" Ten hissed at the younger after Taeyong brought him back. He glanced at the older and patted his shoulder. "Thanks for finding him."  

"No problem." Taeyong replied, a smile forming his lips, but Ten didn't look like noticing his hungry look. He was way too busy glaring at Renjun who tried his best not to run away from his friend. He watched Taeyong's slim figure disappear in the crowd of people and a helpless sigh escaped his lips. Now Ten was going to kill him. 

"Do you really want to end up like that again?" Ten asked, his eyes landing on his side profile while he led Renjun somewhere. "I told you to stay away from those two because of multiple reasons not to jump in their arms." He stopped and turned around to face him. "I don't want you to start hating me, but if I'll see or hear that you met with those two again, I'll have to tell Kun. I'm sorry, but I promised your brother that you'll be safe." 

Renjun decided not to reply and just nod his head. Still, he had a question in mind, so he followed the older from behind, because without noticing, Ten was way in front of him again. Bumping into some people on his way to reach his friend, Renjun panted when he found himself back in Ten's right. 

"Can I ask you something?" The blonde male glanced at Ten who mumbled something Renjun couldn't hear quiet right, but he took it as a yes. "Why don't you want me to have more friends? You were the one who told me to try and be more open." 

"With the people I trust you can be friends." Ten replied in a cold and annoyed tone. "Jaemin and Jeno aren't people you can trust okay? They might drag you back there and I won't approve it." 

"Why?" Renjun stopped in the middle of a silent corridor they entered not long ago. "Maybe I want to go back." 

"What?" Ten turned around and gave him a shocked look. "You're kidding me right? I'm trying to look out for you Renjun, for your brother's sake and for yours as well. I didn't introduce you to Yangyang just so you could be reckless again. Do you really want to end up in a hospital again?"

"Who said I'm reckless?" The blonde male raised his voice, clearly angered by what Ten just told him. He really had faith in him that at least he would agree. "I thought you could help me make a comeback in racing." Renjun said and looked at the white floor. His fists clenched and he suddenly felt tears forming in his eyes. He just wanted to be happy. Was that too much to ask? "You're my only hope hyung." 

A loud sigh escaped Ten's lips and when the younger looked back at him, he saw him staring deeply at him, thinking of what he should do in that situation. 

"Few days you were telling me you're still scared to even approach your car and now you're driving it with no problem. What's gotten into you?"

Renjun shrugged his shoulders in reply. He didn't know what to say. It was sudden for him as well, because he no longer felt fear when he approached a car or thought about racing again. The blonde male actually felt excited and happy. 

"I'm not trying to be reckless. I just want to feel happy again."  

"Fine fine." Ten ruffle his hair and gave him a small smile. "But promise me one thing at least." When Renjun nodded, his eyes starting to glow from the excitement and relief he was feeling, Ten chuckled softly before he continued. "Please stay away at least from Jaemin. I can see that you want to get close to them and all..." 

"If that's your only condition I think I can handle it." 

"That's good to hear." The older replied. "We should get going, the first race is starting." 

Still keeping the smile on his face, Renjun agreed and the two left the hallway and entered the main building again. He could see through a wide window the racetrack, where people were already gathering. 

"Who's racing first?" Ten asked a tall man whom Renjun soon recognized as Johnny. His raven hair was having shades of red in it because of the light from inside and he looked really intimidating. His eyes landed on the blonde haired male and a small smile formed his lips. 

"Jaehyun." Johnny replied while he wrapped his arm around Ten, a gesture that didn't seem like surprising the shorter man at all. "So, did you make up your mind?" 

"Yeah, I guess." Renjun replied shortly, not knowing what to say more. He still had to act as if he agreed to what Ten said, that he will only do it for fun. Well, getting close to Jeno and Jaemin was going to be fun, he thought and as he did that, he was able to catch a glimpse of Jaemin who was following his best friend outside of there. 

"That's great. Should I tell Lucas to let him race too?" Johnny suggested, but when his eyes met Ten's, he sighed. "Come on, he can't get hurt here.  Look at him." The taller pointed at Renjun. "It's obvious that he wants to. His eyes are glowing." 

"But shouldn't have I been included earlier?" 

"True, but I'm sure someone might want to race you." Johnny added while he led him and Ten out of there. 

The cool air of the night touched his soft skin the moment he stepped outside and the loud music that was killing his ears started to became a deaf sound as they walked away from the main building. 

"Looks like he's racing with Jeno and Doyoung." Ten mumbled and tilted his head towards the spot where Jaehyun was leaning by his white Porsche. He was talking with Taeyong, while sometimes glancing over at his enemies. "Who do you think will win?" 

"They're all pretty good." Johnny told him and sighed. "Still, Jeno has the fastest car out all of them." 

Just then, the tall figure of the brown haired male appeared from the crowd. As he followed Jeno's movements, Renjun realized how flushed the younger looked. That made him frown, but he immediately understood what might have happened when Jaemin appeared as well. 

His eyes drifted from his friend, on him and a smirk formed his lips while he waved at Renjun. That small action made the blonde haired male gulp, because Ten was right next to him and he was watching. While he kept the eye contact with the raven haired male, Renjun tried to ignore his friend's presence, but when Ten tapped his shoulder, he had to try and hold the sigh that wanted to leave his lips. 

"The race is starting." The older smiled at Renjun as he said the words, but the younger knew he saw that small staring contest. "Ignore him okay? I'm telling you for your own good." Ten whispered and when Renjun looked at him, he saw that the smile was gone. 

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