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"I hate you for stopping me earlier." Jaemin hissed at the older without hesitation when they stormed inside his room. His whole face was red from anger and embarrassment because now his father would completely forget about him. "Just why him?" The raven haired male cried the words and fell on the bed, his back hitting the mattress softly. 

"What do you mean?" Jeno asked and sat down as well. He knew that the younger was in a bad mood, but he also didn't want him to kill someone they both knew in front of Mr. Na's office. He looked at Jaemin, who was covering his eyes with his arm in frustration. His pink lips were parted and Jeno found himself gulping for no reason. Not again, he thought and looked away from his friend's face. He suddenly remembered how confident he was that night, before racing against Renjun. That night Jaemin didn't drink, because if he did, he wouldn't have raced. So why did he blush that hard? 

"What are you doing with my hand?" Jaemin's soft voice rang in his ears which brought Jeno back to reality. Their eyes met and when the raven haired pointed at his hand, Jeno widened his eyes a bit. Why was he holding it so tight? 

Clearing his throat, the brunette let go of it. "Sorry, I thought I was holding the blanket." 

His response made Jaemin laugh. The younger was now facing him again, still laying on the bed, but resting on his elbows. "Do you think I'm that blind not to notice?" 

"Notice what?" Jeno met his eyes again and he tried to act as chill and relaxed as he could, even though his heart was giving him signals of exploding. At least he wasn't going to blush because that was a hard thing to do in his opinion. 

A smirk formed Jaemin's lips and he suddenly pushed himself up, until he was sitting next to him again. His dark eyes met Jeno's as he leaned closer, but they soon looked somewhere lower, at his lips. 

"Are we going to destroy our friendship if we do this?" Jaemin looked back at him. 

"I think it would have been destroyed by now." Jeno whispered as he leaned forward as well until their lips connected. He felt Jaemin's tongue softly entering his mouth while he climbed on top of him. Jeno's hands reached his thighs. A chuckle escaped Jaemin's throat as he deepened the kiss. Jenoo felt his face burn, but he enjoyed the feeling. In that moment he didn't even care if Jaemin was kissing him because he was returning his feelings or because he was just in the mood to make out, but it didn't matter. At least he had no reason to hide it anymore. 

Jeno opened his eyes and found the familiar softness of Jaemin's bed. He rubbed his eyes and glanced in his right, only to see his side empty and the bed sheets a whole mess. That's when he remembered what happened the other night, after that make out session they had. He was about to leave after they were done, because he felt the tension in the air, but the raven haired male stopped him and one thing led to another and they ended up doing it. 

Clearing his throat, Jeno felt his face really warm. He ran a hand through his brown hair and picked his t-shirt from the floor. 

"You can borrow some clothes." Jaemin's soft voice he loved to hear rang in his ears and when he looked in the direction it came from, he saw the younger exiting the bathroom already dressed. "Don't stand and stare at me like that, we have school today remember?" 

"Right." Jeno mumbled and stood up, thanking God he was wearing his underwear. He took some clean clothes from Jaemin's dressing and entered the bathroom to take a shower. 

The whole time while the cold water was touching his warm skin he kept on thinking if he made a mistake. Their friendship was already gone and he had to be okay with that fact, but he just hoped Jaemin won't avoid him from now on. 

"I'm an idiot." He whispered to himself while he buttoned the black shirt. He was about to look in the mirror to see if his hair was okay, when Jaemin's reflection startled him. "What are you doing?" 

It took the younger some moments to reply. 

"I'm waiting for you to be done." 

"You could have waited outside you know?" Jeno tried to act cool, even if he felt hurt by the way Jaemin was acting in that moment, as if nothing happened the other night between them. Sighing, he decided to put on a pair of earrings and just ignore him, but when he was about to exit the bathroom, Jaemin grabbed his wrist and stopped him.      

"W-We're still going to be friends right?" The raven haired male asked and even if he tried to avoid his eyes he failed. "Look, I know that you know we did it and stuff but we won't act like strangers from now on right? I mean, I understand if I upset you because you like me and all, but I just..." 

"It's fine. I'm not upset because you can't return my feelings." Jeno showed a smile, even if it hurt a bit and ruffled his hair. "We're not kids anymore so it should be easy to understand each other right?" 

Jaemin nodded and smiled too. He followed Jeno behind and exited his room. He was confused because knowing that his best friend liked him in that way made him feel weird. Just like that night at the race, when he started to blush nd feel his heart race. And there was also the fact that they did it, which was an intimate thing in his opinion. And also, there was his plan to destroy Renjun, which meant he had to use Jeno. 

He looked at the older for a few seconds before they both got inside Jeno's car since his was still not ready to be used again. The brunette looked the same, as if nothing happened but deep down, Jaemin knew he would be hurt if he found out he was used. But he had no choice, because Renjun would never get close to him since they were enemies. 

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