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Ten's figure suddenly appeared in the crowd of people which got their attention. Renjun's friend waved his hand and Yangyang was the first to jump off the chair. The brunette gave Renjun a look before he got off as well and followed him behind. 

The two walked past the spot where Jaemin was hanging out with some people Renjun never met in his life. Their eyes locked again and the raven haired male smirked at him along with Jeno, whose tattoo was shining in the dim light. Yangyang's sudden grip on his arm made the blonde male look away from the two and he wanted to thank him for this. 

"You'll regret it trust me." The brunette mumbled as he pushed him forward, at the entrance where Ten was waiting, his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Come on, one of the races is about to start." Another voice spoke outside and Donghyuck's face appeared behind the wall.  The purple haired guy gave them a smirk which showed his white and perfect teeth. 

Yangyang rolled his eyes as he pulled Renjun outside. They walked past Donghyuck who kept on smirking like an idiot, which only annoyed the brunette more. A race was indeed going to start soon as the main street was now full. 

Some people backed away when they saw Ten walking in front of the small group of guys. Was he that known around there? Renjun was sure he'll have to ask him later, if he'll get the chance to. Johnny, Jaehyun and Taeyong, whom Renjun met the other night, were talking in front of two sport cars. 

Taeyong was leaning by a red Mazda while Johnny and Jaehyun were leaning by a white Porsche. They stopped their chat when they saw the guys arriving. 

"What do you think Renjun?" Johnny asked the blonde male and showed a charming smile. "Is it like the old times?" 

Yes it was and Renjun still couldn't believe it. His heart beat increased suddenly because of the adrenaline and excitement he felt. 

"Pretty much yeah." He managed to reply, not forgetting to show a small smile. 

"Who's racing tonight?" Ten asked the tall guy whose eyes left Renjun's small figure. Johnny tilted his head towards Taeyong and Jaehyun who looked at each other and smirked. "Then make sure to win." 

"No worries boss." Taeyong replied and opened the door of his red car. "I never lose." He then said before jumping in the driver's seat and turning on the engine, leaving his group of friends.

"Come on." Yangyang suddenly pulled Renjun by his sleeve. "I know a place where we can watch the race." 

The brunette didn't wait for Renjun to reply as he dragged him away from the other guys. 


Jaemin left the building when the announcement was done. Jeno followed him behind, through the crowd of people that were waiting for the first race to start. His friend suddenly laughed. 

"Did you hear that Felix bet his car tonight?" The brunette male glanced at the blonde foreigner who was talking with his group of friends right next to his yellow Chevrolet Corvette. That remark made Jaemin chuckle and then glare at the blonde guy when they walked past him and his friends. 

"You'll lose Jaemin!" Felix shouted from behind which made the two friends stop. The raven haired male slowly turned around, still glaring. Felix smirked and looked at his friend, Changbin who looked like starting a fight. "You'll see." 

"Don't flatter yourself." Jaemin hissed as he placed his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. "I'll take that pretty car from you tonight." 

Changbin chuckled, clearly annoyed now as he ran a hand through his raven hair. "Why don't you bet your car then huh? Let's see who gets home with two." 

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