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"Wake up." Donghyuck slapped Mark's arm to wake up the older who was sleeping in the passenger seat. "He's leaving the house." The purple haired young man pointed with his finger at Renjun's slim figure that exited the nice looking house. He didn't really want to get into his private life, but after realizing the smooth way the blonde haired male lied at the lunch table, Donghyuck found himself really curious. Of course, inviting him to hang out with them was an excuse, to see if they'll get declined or not. 

"I still don't get the whole point of us following him." Mark ran his hand through his brown hair and yawned. He looked at him and the moment he saw his boyfriend's glowing eyes, he sighed. "Okay, then explain to me. That's why we're a team after all." 

"Something's fishy. I don't know yet, but Renjun lied to us when I asked about his hand. He knew I asked on purpose so he lied. I'm surprised no one realized besides me." A proud smile formed his lips. "It must be because I'm a genius." 

"Genius my ass." Mark smacked him. "We'll get in trouble." 

"No one will know Mark." Donghyuck looked at the street and saw Renjun disappearing after a house. That's when he turned on the engine and drove his car slowly so the older won't see them. "There." The younger tilted his head for Mark to actually look in front not at the houses from that neighborhood. They both watched as Renjun entered a black SUV. 

"Aren't you going to follow them?" The brunette asked after seeing that his boyfriend wasn't pressing the acceleration pedal so that the Mercedes would finally move again. "What's with that diabolic smirk?" He then asked when he saw Donghyuck smiling like a devil. "What did you do now?" 

"Hand over my phone." Donghyuck stretched out his hand and took the phone from Mark's cold hand. "Are you cold?" He blinked and held the older male's hand. "Mark." 

"It's almost winter and we stood in cold one hour. What do you think?" 

Donghyuck chuckled as he let go of his hand. "Stop being dramatic before I hit you." 

"You wouldn't destroy this face." Mark leaned closer to kiss him, making Donghyuck part his lips a bit. Their lips connected in a soft kiss before they both parted away from each other, realizing they still had to go after Renjun. "So, how are we going to follow them?" 

"Right. Look at this." Donghyuck showed him the screen of his phone and laughed when he saw his boyfriend's wide eyes. 

"You put a tracker on him!? Are you crazy?" Mark leaned back into the seat and ruffled his hair in frustration. "We'll be in so much trouble when he finds it. You're an idiot do you know that? I mean how did you even find a tracker? How the fuck am I together with a crazy guy like you?" 

"Are you done?" Donghyuck asked in a bored tone as he blinked twice. "You're together with me because you are as crazy as I am so we are the perfect match so don't even dare of complaining when you know the truth too. And as for the tracker, if he finds it he'll suspect not only us but others too. We'll act as if nothing happened this night." 

The purple haired male didn't wait for a reply and started the engine. He drove the Mercedes out of the silent street and followed the green light that was showed on the screen. Mark on the other hand, rested his head by the cold window. His whole attitude made Donghyuck feel frustrated, because he knew that what they were doing was something they shouldn't, but Mark also knew that when he got curious about something, he would always find a way to find what was happening. 

"We won't get caught." Donghyuck said after about five minutes of silence and tension between that. "And Renjun won't suspect us either." 

"I won't fight with you over this. I still think this is a bad idea." Mark sighed loudly. "I don't want to see us getting hurt. What if he's into something big?" 

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