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---11:24, U.A. High School---
After changing back into their warm clothes, Y/n walked out of the school, ready to sleep for the rest of the day. They sighed, readjusting their bag on their now healed shoulder.

"Hey!" Kaminari called out to them as he jogged to catch up.

Y/n unwillingly stopped, and turned around to face him. "What do you need, Sparky?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch together?" he asked, slightly out of breath, although he tried to hide it with a smirk.


His smirk faltered and a slight red tinted his cheeks, "Oh, well... As a way to say 'thank you' for saving me."

Y/n looked at him for a second before turning away from him, feeling a heat rise to their face, "I didn't save you. It was nothing worth mentioning."

"You took the hit from a giant robot for me! That's definitely something to talk about."

"It really wasn't anything..."

"How about I finally pay you back for ruining your uniform?"

Y/n looked back at Kaminari, "Listen, you don't owe me anything. You don't have to worry about taking me to lunch or something."

"Then let's make a deal. When we both make it into the hero course, we celebrate with a date?"

"You're rather confident," they scoffed, crossing their arms. "I'll do lunch, but it won't be a date."

"Spending time with you sounds good enough for me."

"Alright, Hotshot. I'm going to finally go home. Maybe you'll see me in school," Y/n joked, walking away from Kaminari.

"Then don't forget it!" Kaminari called out.

"Sure," Y/n muttered.
---12:03, The L/n Residence---
Y/n sat on their bed, a towel draped over their head, hunched over and resting their arms on their legs. They stared at the floor, recounting their exciting morning.

They sat up, stretching their back, and rested their hands on their head. They carelessly ruffled the towel, drying off their damp hair. They threw the towel atop their other dirty clothes, and left their room, slightly regretting turning down a free lunch.

They walked to the kitchen and opened their refrigerator, hoping to figure out what to eat as they blankly scanned the contents.

A knock on the door brought them out of the fridge.

"I'm coming!" they called out as they made their way to the door. They tugged on their shorts, suddenly feeling they were an awkward length.

They unlocked the door and swung it open, seeing a slightly anxious Shirohato waiting behind the door.

"Oh. Hey, Kid," they greeted, moving to lean against the door frame. "What brings you here?"

"How did the exams go?!" he loudly asked, then immediately covered his mouth with his hands. "Sorry for yelling..." he muttered, muffled by his hands.

"It's fine. You can come inside," Y/n said, gesturing behind them.

"Oh, okay," he said, following them inside, leaving his shoes at the entrance.

He looked around the empty house, reminded of how it always seemed to feel this way. It was nostalgic in a depressing sort of way, but when it came to Y/n, that's all it ever was.

He looked at Y/n from across the room. They walked to the couch and sat down, rubbing their face. He noticed how the collar of their shirt clung to them from being slightly damp. His cheeks flushed at the idea that Y/n had just showered.

"How did the exam go?" he asked again, moving to sit next to them.

"I almost broke my entire arm."

"Woah! Are you okay?!"

Y/n fully leaned back on the couch, throwing their arms over the pillows behind them. "Yeah, they have an instant healer over there. Crazy school..."

Shirohato pinched the skin on his thumb, sitting up straight with his hands in his lap. He glanced between Y/n's comfortable position and his own stiffness. Slowly, he leaned back, tilting his read to rest on their arms. He felt like he might start sweating.

"It's good that you're okay," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. From the way he sounded, it was obvious he still hadn't gone through puberty. "Thank you for doing this."

Y/n didn't know how to react.

They had to fight every instinct in their body that wanted to shove the boy off of them. The more he sat in the seemingly uncomfortable position, his head barely touching their arm, the more a faint memory tugged at Y/n's heart. A long forgotten instinct to simply scoot closer and hold the kid arose, but it was easily fought off by Y/n's better sense.

A somber feeling suffocated the air. The memory of how they used to be felt empty without a certain girl. It had been several months now, and no one has heard anything. The police already gave up. Every hope to find her now rested on Y/n's shoulders.

If they could become a hero, they could do what the police won't do.

They could search for Hitomi.

They could rescue her.

Y/n's hand patted Shirohato's head. "We'll do this. We'll find her."

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