Exciting Afternoon

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---12:50, U.A. High School---
Sitting back at their desk, Y/n rested their chin on the palm of their hand. They were exhausted from the pointless fiasco at lunch, but still had to do Basic Hero Training.

"This time, All Might, myself and one other will supervise," Aizawa said.

Y/n huffed at the mystery of the third teacher.

In 1-A-unable-to-stay-silent fashion, Sero raised his hand, "Um, what're we doing, exactly?"

"Preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods." Aizawa held out a card that read "RESCUE", similar to All Might the day before, just without all the flair.

Today, instead of beating each other up, they were going to simulate rescue missions at the USJ on campus. It's crazy the type of money the school has. Before leaving for the bus, they changed out of their school uniforms into their hero costume or gym clothes. Y/n opted for the former, having found no flaw in their costume from their previous battle training.

On the bus, Y/n ended up being seated with Sero. They had no real impression of the guy, besides losing to him yesterday after socking him in the face with some of Kirishima's strength, so it wasn't any inconvenience. Unlike the poor girl who had to sit next to Bakugou, Y/n should have a mildly normal bus ride.

The conversation taking place in the front of the bus had nothing to do with them, so Y/n planned to enjoy a ride in silence.

"When it comes to strength-enhancing Quirks, you can't ignore L/n," Sero declared, standing up to join into the conversation in the front. Y/n should have known he would do this.

"Yeah, it's like feeling your own strength when fighting them," Kirishima added.

Midoriya turned to where they sat with Sero. "Really?" he asked, eyes wide like a collector finding their newest addition. "Can I ask you about it sometime?"

"Uh, sure... Whatever. It's not that strong or cool, though," they said, wanting to redirect the conversation. They didn't imagine getting embarrassed so many times in one day.

"When I hear strong and cool Quirks, I think of Todoroki and Bakugou," Kirishima said, unknowingly taking the bait.

"But Bakugou's so unhinged. He'd never be popular."



"We've only barely just met," Kaminari said, unafraid to poke the bear, "and you've made it abundantly clear that your personality is crap steeped in hot sewage."


"We're here. Look sharp now."
---13:15, USJ---
It was impressive to be in the presence of so many heroes. Yet, Y/n had not been too starstruck until now.

Thirteen stood before the class in a facility they designed themself.

In their mind, Y/n was freaking out as much as Midoriya.

"Before we get started, I have one or two points." Thirteen said to class 1-A. "Or three... Four." They cleared their throat. "As I'm sure many of you are aware, my Quirk is called Black Hole. It can suck in and tear apart anything."

"And you've used it to save people in all sorts of disasters," Midoriya said as Uraraka violently nodded her head in agreement.

"Indeed... However, my power could easily kill. I've no doubt there are some of you here with similar abilities. In our superpowered society, the use of Quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem that this system is a stable one. But we must never forget that it takes one wrong move with an uncontrollable Quirk for people to die."

Y/n looked down at their hand. They could still feel the energy pulsing underneath their skin from being shoved around earlier. They doubted they could ever store enough power to kill another person because it would kill them first.

"Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people."

That would certainly be a new experience for Y/n.

"That is all! I thank you for listening," Thirteen bowed as most of the class applauded them.

"Great. Now..." Aizawa halted his instruction, turning to look at the center fountain of the USJ. The students followed his gaze, watching a swirling black cloud form out of nothing.

From inside the cloud, a man covered in perfectly sliced-off hand stepped out of the portal. Immediately after him, a young girl skipped out. Even though Her lower face was covered, Y/n immediately recognized Her. They could never forget the eyes that looked up at them, no longer disguised with a middle schooler's charm. She had finally dropped the persona, but Y/n never imagined Her true self to be this cruel. After they grew up together, they wanted to believe there was some good, or anything salvageable, about Hitomi.

Y/n almost wished they never found Her, instead of seeing Her down there. They covered their mouth, the burning in the back of their throat threatening to spill out. "Don't look into Her eyes!" they said to the person closest to them. "She can... She's beautiful..." Y/n muttered, their arms falling to their side.

"L/n?" Sero said, grabbing their shoulders. "What-what do you mean?"

They didn't respond. Instead, they started walking forward. "My dear Hitomi..." they said.

Sero grabbed them again, holding them back with both arms and covering their eyes. "I don't know what's going on but don't look that girl in the eyes!" Sero shouted to the class as Y/n struggled in his hold.

"Awww," She loudly whined. "L/n Y/n! You're here to play too! Just like old times. Too bad we didn't get picked for the same team, N/n."

"Do they fucking know each other?" Bakugou growled.

"That's the girl that went missing," Midoriya said. "Amaterasu Hitomi from Nabu middle school. They even got heroes on the case, but nobody found any evidence of her. Reports say her parents are still pushing for her case to be solved."

"Amaterasu..." Kaminari and Kirishima mumbled at the same time.

"I didn't realize I was so popular!" Hitomi cooed. "Too bad that ruined the surprise I had for you guys. Point for N/n!"

In Sero's arms, Y/n stopped wriggling and took a deep breath. "Her Quirk is a form of mind control!" they suddenly yelled. "Uh... Who is holding me?"

"Sorry," Sero said, dropping them.

"What a heartwarming reunion..." the man in the center of the hoard of villains said, "but focus my dear puppeteer... We're here for the almighty number one pro hero."

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