Changing Plans

254 15 3

Brief mention of attempting suicide
"Hey Hitomi," the small Y/n called, their squeaky pre-pubescent voice weak against the wind. One hand shielded their eyes as the other held onto their oversized scarf. "It's too cold. Can't we go back inside?"

The girl looked back at her friend, her perfectly sunkissed skin flushed from the cold. "You're such a baby, N/n! We're almost at his house, so hold on."

Y/n sniffled and pulled up their scarf. "Do we really need to do this?"

"Of course we do!" Hitomi grabbed their freezing hands. "Nobody hits my N/n and gets away with it."

"He didn't mean to. I was the one who scared him," they muttered, feeling bad about frightening the boy earlier. They didn't know his reaction would be to fight. "He even apologized already, so let's go home!"

"No! We need to teach him a lesson," she firmly said, pulling Y/n further along. "My Quirk will help us! So you don't need to worry about anything, N/n. I will do everything for you."

The young Y/n looked down, their vision becoming blurry. When they looked up again, they were faced with the bright lights of Recovery Girl's office. Y/n groaned, their body stiff from being flat on their back in a nurse's cot.

"Good, you're awake!" the old lady said, swinging to Y/n's bedside from her swivel chair. "You might be a bit drowsy, but there won't be any scarring on your throat. Thankfully, your trachea was relatively unharmed besides some bruising." Y/n realized there was a bandage wrapped around their neck and brushed their fingers over it. "However dear, I was told you fell down a flight of stairs, but there's no evidence of that anywhere on your body! You're rather resilient," she chuckled a bit.

"Thanks, it's the Quirk," Y/n sat up on the bed, stretching their body. They noticed that their school uniform had been folded on the table next to them since they were still in their hero costume. "What happened?"

Recovery Girl frowned a bit then rolled away from their bed. "You were unconscious for the remainder of the fight after trying to throw yourself off the staircase. One of your classmates used his Quirk to save you before hitting the ground, but it seems your Quirk can't protect you from whiplash."

"Oh... but I'm not..." they didn't remember trying to do that. "I mean, I don't..." they didn't know how to say it without a way of getting them recommended to another counselor. "Is everyone's safe?"

"Yes, only one other student was injured. He's actually behind that other curtain," she pointed to where he would be resting with a small grin.

Y/n nodded, rubbing the uncomfortable bandages as they did. "Did... did any of the villains get apprehended?"

"Only the ones your classmates fought. You guys are a youthful class!"

"Then did Hitomi get caught?" they asked with a mix between excitement and regret. Their question was answered with a small shake of the head. "She's still out there?"

"I'm afraid so, but now the police are aware that she's still alive and plan on returning her to her family's care. She would have to be placed in some form of institution, but she would be back with her family nonetheless."

Y/n could barely imagine the Amaterasu's reaction upon hearing that their precious Hitomi had become a villain. All the suffering they had to go through meant nothing to Her. Y/n had dedicated their entire childhood and future to that girl, and She tried to kill them. As soon as Y/n finds Her again, they are going to beat the absolute shit out of Her.

"Your class is still here while we're wrapping up the investigation. You can return if you want," Recovery Girl suggested.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you," Y/n said, bowing their head as much as possible before slipping off their bed. They looked at the curtain that separated them and their other injured classmate. If it was Bakugou they were going to leave. "Who is here?"

"Midoriya Izuku."

Y/n hummed and grabbed their uniform. "Is he awake?"

"He's been awake for a while, I'm just forcing him to stay in bed."

Immediately their body overheated with shame at the realization that someone overheard their concern over Hitomi. They yanked the dividing curtain back, causing Midoriya to flinch then groan in pain. He was still in his gym uniform with one hand completely wrapped up.

"Ah, sorry for startling you," Y/n said, observing the tube he was hooked up to. "I was just-Well, don't worry about what you heard just now," they said, a shadow forming over their eyes.

"I wouldn't tell a soul!" Midoriya cried, waving his free arm around.

The two examined the other's injuries until they accidentally made eye contact.

"Um," Midoriya hummed, "would it be alright if I asked about your Quirk?"

"No. I'm going to change." Y/n pulled the curtains closed, creating a temporary changing room. The nurse's office after being strangled didn't feel like the place for them to have a friendly chat.

"Earlier, I thought you said I could ask about your Quirk," Midoriya stammered, trying not to think about the fact that Y/n was undressing in the same room as him. "I was just curious as to how it works."

"It's really not that big of a deal. I just absorb and release energy," they said, their voice straining a little when they pulled off the tight part of their costume.

"That's still absolutely amazing! When you get hit, does it hurt or does it feel like nothing since you absorbed the impact?" he started rambling. "How much energy can you absorb? Can you decide how much energy to release? And can you only release energy by punching things?"

"That's too many questions," they said, suddenly pulling back the curtains. Their costume was discarded on the bed they lay on but they weren't fully dressed. They were still buttoning up the white shirt, meaning Midoriya could clearly see their undershirt.

"Sorry!" he said, looking away and covering the bright red blush on his face.

Y/n was confused. It's not like they were only in their underwear, so they didn't get why he seemed embarrassed. But they felt a bit guilty for making him uncomfortable. They sighed, "It doesn't hurt unless it's a lot of force, and I can't completely control how much is released..."

Midoriya peeked at them as they threw their blazer on, but left it unbuttoned. Although it wasn't shock absorption like the nomu's, he couldn't help but picture the scene of it and All Might facing off. "Is there a limit to how much energy you can absorb?"

Y/n slung their costume over their shoulder. "Yeah. My doctor said it could tear my ligaments."

Midoriya noted: don't use One For All on Y/n.

"Um, we should get back to class," they suggested, gesturing towards the door.

Midoriya stared at them with wide eyes. "My legs..." he mumbled, causing Y/n to flush.

"I'm sorry! I completely forgot! I'll see you later!" they yelled, fleeing from the nurse's office. Honestly, they didn't want to see him again after embarrassing themself that badly.

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