An Abundance of Anger

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---Lunchtime, Nabu Middle School---
"I hate you!" he yelled, resisting the urge to hit them.

"I already told you that I don't know anything!" Y/n defended, exasperated with this random student.

"This is all your fault!!" he declared.

Y/n stood still, their tense muscles dropping for a moment.

"She hung around you! You probably got Her involved with some dangerous gang activities!" he continued with his wild theory, further sending Y/n into their shattering mental state.

They didn't want this.

They didn't do this.

Why them?

Why Her?
Amaterasu Hitomi.
Now missing for seven days.
At first it was speculated she was with a friend or partner.
Then it was that she ran away.
Now it may be a kidnapping.
Her parents were questioned.
Her brother was questioned.
Some students were questioned.
Y/n was questioned.
The school that practically worshipped Her was heavily affected by Her disappearance. Many turned their blame on Y/n.

Especially this kid, who had somehow convinced himself that Y/n was involved with gangs.

Not in the mood to get in another fight today, Y/n held their hands up, attempting to defuse the situation. "Everyone here knows that I was already ruled out as a suspect!" they argued, hoping that if he wasn't the type of person to not listen to reason, he'd listen to the police.

"Do they really?!" he shouted, throwing his hands out to gesture at the cafeteria, the perfect place to start a fight with Y/n. "Ask anyone. They'll still be suspicious of you!"

"You two!" Y/n's homeroom teacher yelled as he stormed towards them.

Y/n cringed at his voice. They put their hands behind their back, hoping to seem non-threatening as to not get in trouble again. Their teacher was all too lenient with them but if they got into another fight they were definitely a goner.

"To the counselor's office, right now!" he demanded, ushering Y/n out of the cafeteria.

"I didn't- I-"

"I know, L/n," he muttered, his stern expression falling.

Y/n hung their head low, not wanting to address their teacher or the random kid glaring at them as they walked.
Y/n clenched their fits in their lap, the other student sitting in a chair next to them. The counselor was speaking about causing a scene, anger management, therapy in general, missing person coping mechanisms. It didn't matter who it was directed to-if it was even directed to just one person-the two students were caught up in their own minds.

"... and L/n," the counselor sternly said, completely looking to them. "I hear so much about you. You're quite lucky that we have been so lenient with you considering you usually don't start the fights."

Y/n tensed at the sentence. It's technically true. The school board only really catches them in the cafeteria. Any actual fight they've started has been unreported because the other kids they've fought don't have better reputations than them.

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