Team J VS. Team H

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---Battle Time, Ground Beta---
Standing outside of the building with their teammate, a boy with a raven head, Y/n wasn't really sure what to do. They've fought people plenty of times, but never when they both used their Quirks. Here, their brute force won't work. Everyone is special somehow. From what they could recall, the boy with the red hair was shirtless and ripped and his teammate had funny shaped elbows. That's not particularly helpful information.

"So, uh, bro... what's your Quirk?" Y/n asked, swinging their arms awkwardly, trying to figure out what to do with their hands.

If the boy could raise an eyebrow, he would be doing that right now. His red eyes narrowed as he explained how "Dark Shadow" worked. He was prepared for judgment and questions on what someone like him is doing at U.A.

"That's insane!" Y/n exclaimed, a small grin on their face. "You're practically a god," they said, more positive in their possibly to win the battle simulation. "You got an almost unlimited, almost indestructible force you can control. Lucky bastard."

He seemed to shift underneath his cloak at the complement. "I can't control him fully. In the darkness he is most powerful and unable to follow my command."

"Then it's good it's not dark right now," they said, cracking their knuckles. "I think that kid with the costume that looked like a tape dispenser has a long distance quirk. Maybe if you take him on and I fight the red head we could individually take them out so that your Dark Shadow has an opening to get the bomb."

The boy nodded his head, the corners of his eyes crinkled like he was smiling. Y/n shared a confident smirk with him. He was pleasantly surprised by their casual reaction. Simple and confident. Refreshing compared to the boys that had quite literally caused an explosion in their class.

"Let's win this," Y/n said, holding out a closed fist. "We can't be any worse than the kids that blew up an entire building."

The boy stared at it, confused for a moment before Dark Shadow appeared and fist bumped Y/n for him. The boy cleared his throat, a little embarrassed by his hesitation at something so common, "Right, let's do our best."

"You go first and jump the 'villains'. I'll be right behind and surprise the red head."

He nodded and walked ahead, Dark Shadow eagerly following, mostly because he didn't have another choice. Y/n readjusted some things on their costume, fiddling at seams that were too tight. When they saw their teammate turn a corner they walked in after him, turning the other way.

They felt bad for still not knowing the name of the Dark Shadow Quirk user, but that was a problem for after their exam. First, they had to make their way to the bomb's location. So far, they had gone without any disturbances.

Of course, the "villains" are not going to sit around and wait for the "heroes" to show up. The aforementioned buff red-head jumped out from behind a corner, accosting Y/n.

"I'm not losing the first battle of the school year!" he declared, bumping his fists together. At the action, his skin hardened, creating tough edges at the previously soft curves of his arms.

"This works for my plan," Y/n shrugged, shaking out their arm.

"I don't want to hurt a classmate, but I can't hold back during battle training!" he yelled, pulling his sharpened arm back. He swung towards Y/n and all they did was raise their arms to block their face.

The punch was way stronger than they expected. They glanced at their arms, the burning force of his punch swirling in their muscles.

"That's a pretty strong Quirk," they said, looking back at him.

He punched their arms several more times. The sharp edge of his rock-hard arms left small scratches on their arms, but they seemed relatively unfazed.

The energy building up in their arms started to burn, and they grinned. "So, how has your day been?" they asked as they swung a punch towards his face.

Before they could reach him, the skin on his face hardened, but he was still knocked back by the force of all the punches he threw combined into one.

"Mine was pretty boring," Y/n continued, not waiting for him to respond. "But you made it way better," they cooed, admiring their arms. "What strength you have, it's exhilarating."

"What kind of punch was that?" he muttered. "What's your Quirk?"

"Why don't you find out?"
---Results, Ground Beta---
Y/n sat on the bench in the spectator room, cradling their injured arm. The tape from the kid they were fighting against was wrapped around their bicep to keep everything in place.

"You guys play a pretty good game," they muttered, nodding at the tape kid sitting next to them. His face was bruised and dry blood stuck to underneath his nose.

"You punth really hard," he commented through swollen gums, rubbing his burning cheeks.

"That was all of your buddy's strength," Y/n sighed, leaning back against the wall.

"What does that mean?" the red-head asked, standing next to the bench the two sat on. He had less bruises than the two sitting.

"My Quirk allows me to redirect the kinetic energy inflicted on me. Basically, when you punch me, I am momentarily holding onto your strength and can punch you with the exact force you hit me with. I can even stockpile that strength," they explained.

"That is an impressively simple power," the raven kid said, completely unaffected from the battle.

"Woah, so you're just as strong as your opponent," the red boy said, exited by the conclusion. "So, when you punched me, that was my strength I was feeling?"

"Yes, that is exactly it."

"So manly. I'm Kirishima," he said, holding a hand out.

"L/n," they muttered, shaking his hand with their non-injured one.

"I'm Thero," the tape boy declared, slurring his words from the excess blood in his mouth.

"I'm sorry for giving you a lisp," they muttered, shaking Sero's hand as well. "But it was pretty smart of you to tape all around the bomb. It was like a spider's web."

"Hey, it wath worth it for winning," he chuckled, a little bit of blood dripping from his mouth.

"Wipe your face, bro," Kirishima grimaced.

"My Quirk isn't as good as yours. I was overpowered," Y/n said to the silent boy, standing still underneath his cape. "I'm sorry. I was the reason we lost, uh..."

"Tokoyami," he said. "We are in a building of education, so setbacks like these are meant to help us learn more about ourselves in order to become stronger. Your strength proved valuable, L/n."

They grinned at Tokoyami. "I haven't lost in a while so it's a weird feeling."

"Do not feed into the feeling of defeat, or you may never see victory again."

"You talk like an inspirational poster," they chuckled.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, it's pretty cool."

"... Cool, huh?"

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