Making a Decision

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"Your internships start in a week," Aizawa said, returning to his position behind the podium. Midnight stood by his side and smiled at the students now that her work was done. "For this all important decision I'll be handing out personalized lists for those who were drafted. You may chose from among those who scouted you." He lifted up a sheet of paper. "For those of you not drafted, the list I just passed out contains fourty agencies from all over the country willing to accept interns."

Y/n picked up their small packet. Two pages stapled together. Compared to the list Aizawa passed out, this was an indepth introduction to the agencies that scouted them. It stated the agency name, famous heroes from the agency, and which pro specifically drafted them.

Compared to the stacks of paper that were dumped on Bakugou and Todoroki's desks, this was meager pickings.

The names weren't too familiar to Y/n. They could recognize some pros, but their agencies were hard to keep up with. They simply didn't bother.

"Which one are you considering?" Sero asked, tapping his pen on Y/n's back.

They turned in their seat and looked at his packet. Five pages. "I don't know these heroes," they admitted, keeping their eyes focused on his paper.

"Really?" he asked, his expression genuinely astonished. "No one big took an interest in you? I mean, you cleared a robot with a single somersault!"

"I don't expect a famous hero to want me," they reasoned aloud. Taking their paper, Y/n scanned over the names of heroes.

Sero leaned over his desk, shamelessly observing their list. "You could do what Uraraka is doing and find someone who can help you train your strength."

"Yeah..." they muttered, flipping between the two pages like the information will change if they keep looking.

"You could go into the city with me," Kirishima said. One foot was in the isle as he rested an elbow on his thigh and leaned into their conversation. He held his list in his hands. The one page Aizawa handed out. "We could tackle some bad guys with our combined strength!"

"The city," they repeated. When looking at their paper, Y/n realized that the agencies that scouted them were not local. This would be their first time being so far from home.

The bell jolted the students from their contemplation. It was time for their next class.

Y/n grabbed their bag. Holding their packet in their free hand. As their classmates continued packing, they stepped to the front of the classroom. Pursing their lips, Y/n fought the tight feeling their chest.

"Mr. Aizawa," they greeted, their voice unsure of the words just spoken. "What do you think?"

His tired eyes slitted towards them. He sighed, letting his shoulders fall inwards. "This is a choice you guys need to make. How are you supposed to grow if I tell you what to do all the time?" he said, his hand pushing back his shaggy bangs.

They frowned, their body tensing from his attitude. "How am I supposed to grow if I don't know where to start?" they challenged. "I'm... tired of being mediocre, but I don't know how to be better.

He stared at them, his dark eyes digging themselves deep into their insecurities. He sighed, closing his eyes. "One of the scouts, on your paper, he mentors another student here. I don't understand why he drafted you, but it's an opportunity you may never get again. Don't miss it."

Y/n looked down at their paper. Underneath one of the agencies, his words rang true.

"He turned a slacker into a great student ready to go pro," Aizawa said. He took their paper and pulled out a red pen, using it to circle the agency.

Y/n watched the ink form around the name "Nighteye Hero Agency". They bit their lip. It didn't ring a bell.

"Sir Nighteye himself scouted you," Aizawa huffed. He handed them a new sheet of paper. "Fill out this acceptance form by tomorrow."

"Yes sir," Y/n nodded, taking the paper.

By the end of the day, they had come to terms with the internship. They wouldn't be with anyone else in their class. The Nighteye Agency was in the Shizuoka prefecture, on the east coast. It would take an hour to get there by train.

Their biggest concern was that they needed to break the news of their departure to a certain someone.

"SHIZUOKA?" Shirohato whined, his hands covering his agape mouth. "You'll be that far for a whole week?"

"Yeah," Y/n said with their hands in their pocket. They continued walking despite the boy's slowing pace. "I got an internship offer from a pro there."

Catching up to them, Shirohato grabbed onto their forearm. They continued walking as if that didn't make them start nervously sweating.

"I'm proud of you for your hard work," he muttered, leaning has body weight onto their arm as the two continued walked. It made Y/n drift to the side a bit. "I just worry with you being so far. You have already been put in danger at school. Anything could happen when you get out into the real world. I wouldn't be upset if you changed your mind about this..."

Y/n stopped walking, causing the boy to get caught and awkwardly stumble into them. They looked down at him with a small smile, "You know no one is stronger than me. There's no need to worry, kid. I'm keeping my promise."

Not So Pro [BNHA × Reader Insert]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon