Partner Training

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The day after was tense.

Class 1-A students enveloped themselves into their work as their peers from other classes shunned them. Bakugou and Y/n faced the sharp edge of their fairly blunt attacks.

The second they returned to school, they could feel the threatening aura like a sixth sense. Years of being the center of such aggression made it easy for them to recognize the quick glances thrown their way. Luckily, the private school students were more refined than previous classmates. The unknown enemies were going to wait until the event to reveal themselves. However, these kids were obviously foaming at the mouth to sink their teeth into the kid as soon as they stepped foot into the festival.

Y/n would be thrilled to take them up on the challenge. They couldn't promise victory like Bakugou, but they planned on raising hell.

Within the classroom, things weren't any better. All the friendly kids could only focus on the upcoming festival while the moody loners focused on their studies. A clear rift was growing between the two, and Y/n was caught in the middle.

They wanted to be left alone, but Kaminari insisted on dragging them into his conversations. Although he was much more bearable once he ceased flirting, Y/n preferred silence.

As the energetic boy carried on a one-sided conversation, another 1-A student approached them. He was plain looking compared to the eccentric personalities sitting next to Y/n. The only thing about him that stood out was his tail that nervously swayed behind him.

"Excuse me, L/n," he said, scratching his cheek. "I'm Ojirou, and I was hoping to ask you for a favor."

Kaminari gasped at the boy, looking between him and the stoic Y/n. They slapped his arm.

"What is it?" they tilted their head at the fairly shy boy.

"If it is not too much trouble, I wanted to have a sparring match with you," he declared, clenching his fists to strengthen his resolve. "I heard that fighting with you is similar to facing your own strength, and I would like to test mine! That is, if you don't mind me using you for your Quirk..."

Y/n's eyes widened at the boy's words. This was the first time someone had made a polite request to fight them. They hummed in thought, eyes carefully scanning over the boy. He didn't stand out when compared to the rest of the class. In fact, he was so unassuming that Y/n didn't know he was in 1-A. From his haircut to his Quirk, the boy looked like the perfect background character.

"A training match wouldn't hurt," Y/n said, reaching into their pocket to pull out their phone. "Give me your number. We can set up a match after I run some quick errands."

Ojirou grinned, quickly typing in his full name and number. "Thank you for agreeing. I promise to give it my all."

"What about me? You want to train with me?" Kaminari whined.

"And get fried? No thanks," they grumbled, taking back their phone. "Ojirou Makoto," they read out loud, "I'll do my best as well."

"I would do my best!"

"Sparky, please stop talking."

Kaminari crossed his arms. "I thought we were finally having our non-date dinner? We've put it off for several days already."

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