Face to Face

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Y/n was stood next to Sero and Kirishima. They willingly ignored Mina and Yaoyorozu who were behind them in cheer uniforms. The rest of the finalists were close by. The lunch break just ended, but Y/n didn't eat. They ended up playing mobile games with Kaminari for twenty minutes. Their empty stomach churched, feeding into the anxiety already integrated in their body.

"Between the 16 members of the four winning teams... WE'LL HAVE A FORMAL TOURNAMENT!!"

The screen flashed on to present a blank bracket for the 16.


"No way," Y/n sighed.

"A tournament, huh? So we'll be up in that ring I see on TV every year!" Kirishima said, clenching his fists. Despite his large grin, beads of sweat were falling down his face.

"Was it a tournament last year too?" Mina asked, still holding onto her pom-poms.

"The tournaments are always different, but most years involve some head-to-head competition," Sero explained.

"I should have known better," Y/n mumbled.

Midnight picked up a large box and held it forward, towards the students. "The match ups will be decided by drawing lots. Once that's settled, we'll move on to the festivities and then the tournament itself! It's up to you 16 finalists whether or not you participate in the fun. I expect some of you would rather take a breather and save your strength. Now, let's start with the first-place team..."

"Excuse me," Ojirou said, his hand raised in the air. His eyes continued looking at the ground. "I'd... like to drop out."

"What the hell?" Y/n shouted, crossing their arms. "We worked so hard to get here."

"The cavalry battle..." he began, his hands moving together. "I have no memories of anything that happened up until the end. It's probably his Quirk that did it..."

At his confession, Y/n turned to Shinsou who was a distance away. His eyes met theirs for a moment before he angled his body away from their gaze.

"I know this is a great opportunity. And I know how stupid it must seem to throw it away..." Ojirou said. "But this final tournament... Everyone else made it here by their own strength. Yet I'm standing here, and I don't even know how or why. I just can't take it."

"You're thinking about it too hard!" the invisible girl said. "Just show what you're made of in the tournament!"

"By that logic, I shouldn't be here either!" Mina added, waving around her pom-poms.

Ojirou used a hand to cover his face, slightly trembling. "No... I'm talking about my pride, here... I don't think it's right. And why the heck are you girls dressed like that anyway?"

Kirishima held a fist close to his face, his eyes watery. "So manly!"

Y/n's stomach lurched up at the revelation. This situation was too familiar. Their hand covered their mouth. "I just don't understand..." they muttered, holding back the tightness in their throat.

"What a strange turn of events! What will the coordinator, Midnight, decide?"

Holding her whip close to her chin, Midnight said, "How naive and green..." She loudly cracked the whip in front of her. "I LIKE IT!! OJIROU HAS OFFICIALLY WITHDRAWN!"

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