Sports in Hero School

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The school only had one day to recuperate after the villain attack at the USJ. Y/n thought it was crazy to go back so soon, but they also saw the logic behind it. The school couldn't seem weak, it was the hope for the future. So Y/n was going to play along.

When they sat in class, a few familiar faces surrounded their desk. Several questions about their well being were hurled at them. Most of their classmates were a mystery to Y/n, so they only faced the ones with names attached to their identity.

"Yeah, it wasn't that big of a deal," they shrugged. They had already discarded the bandage wrap around their neck. All that remains of the incident was a small headache and the faint scars of Hitomi's nails.

"Sero had to save you from falling off the stairs," a girl with short hair and rosy cheeks said. "We were so worried after you passed out."

Y/n nodded, looking to Sero who was still in his desk. He leaned towards them, showing his interest in the conversation even if he didn't get up.

They could remember through their fuzzy mind that Sero was the one that had to support them the entire attack. "I'm sorry I had to rely on you so much," they said, their face growing hot. "I should have been able to hold my composure if I want to be a hero."

"All of us were scared too, so there is no reason to apologize," he said. "Besides, I kind of owe you one after dislocating your arm in battle training." He scratched the back of his head and grinned like they didn't almost die the day before.

Y/n hummed and nodded their head. "Next time I will be better."

"Hopefully there isn't a next time," he laughed.

With that, the students returned to their seats. The conversation was mixed with speculations of "next time". Y/n silently stewed in their embarrassment over saying such a thing.

"Everyone!!" Iida shouted, holding out his arms. "Morning homeroom's about to begin. To your seats!!"

"We're sitting. You're the only one up."

"Darn!" he muttered, completely defeated as he sat at his desk.

Following him in perfect succession, a mummy burst through the door. Only by the extremely distinct disheveled hair were the students able to recognize their homeroom teacher.

"Morning," he mumbled.

"You're back already, Mr. Aizawa?!" the majority of the class shouted.

"Glad to see you're doing well, Mr. Aizawa!!"

"If you can call that doing well..."

Taking his spot in the front of the classroom, Aizawa shook his head. "My welfare isn't important. Because your fight is far from over."

Y/n scooted closer in their seat. Worries of Hitomi suddenly appearing or another villain attack flashed through their mind. They had been in many petty fights before, but none of that could compare to a real battle they recently experienced. They weren't sure they could survive another attack so soon after the first.

"U.A's sports festival is fast approaching."


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