Chapter 60 His Origin Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'm cursed by Megicu-"

Kyoya began to vomit more and more blood. As this happened, Kurono punched Kyoya in his chest as the boy was slammed into the wall. When this happened, Kyoya heard Vanica's voice in his head.

"Kyoya, you can't just share our secret like this. If you speak of this curse to anyone then your heart will be squeezed. If you even say it out loud to yourself, it will activate. Whenever you fight someone stronger than you, you'll be filled with fear and want to run away!!!! When you're low on magic or on a weakened state of mind, it will activate! This fear is your motivation to keep living!!!! Its a sign that you'll continue to live until I can kill you at your best! Grow strong!!!! Grow so strong no one makes you afraid!!!! Do it so I can fully enjoy killing you with my own hands!!!! You're the only one i'll do this for. This is my love, accept it Kyoya Fullbuster!!!!!!"

Kyoya's whole body shook in terror. As this happened, his magic power was leaking from his boy. As Kurono was slowly approaching the boy, he heard him whispering.


"It seems he's broke after one experiment. What a shame."

"I WANT TO LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!"

As Kyoya screamed, the temperature in the room was getting colder and colder in a matter of seconds. While this happened, the scientists that were watching from a glass window saw the glass cracking. Seeing this, Kurono slams Kyoya's head onto the ground and kicked it so Kyoya would be knocked out.

"He had this much magic power....he's strong.....too strong. Though it seems he can't control it properly. That's perfect, keep a hold on this weakness."

As Kurono said this, he saw that his right hand was covered in a bit of ice. Soon the scientists entered the room as they picked up Kyoya. When they did, one of them spoke to Kurono.

"This is amazing. When his mental state began to be unstable, his magic power was surging. Kurono, we will continue his experiments thirty minutes from now. Rest up until then. Repeat everything that just happened so we can see that result again."

Kurono merely nods his head as he wraps his bandages around his right arm. While this was happening, Kyoya was thrown on the floor of his room. As he woke up, he saw the scientists stare at him.

"You have only thirty minutes of rest. Relax now because you have another experiment with Kurono. Show us the same results you that you produced last time."

Kyoya was scared and tried to run out, but several scientists held him down. Seeing the boy be so defiant, the scientists decided to make him do the second experiment immediately. As he was thrown back into the training room, he looked at Kurono standing before him.

"You're back already? That's perfect, this weakened state you're in is more than perfect. Now then...what was it you said that brought out your magic power?"

Kurono walked over to Kyoya and threw the boy at the ceiling. When Kyoya was falling down, he kicked the boy's face which sent him flying into a wall. Soon Kurono unties the bandages on his arm and released a black smoke. The smoke gathers in his hand and starts solidifying as it became a knife. Soon Kyoya began to say the phrase again.

"I'm Megicu-"

Soon Kyoya felt another tight squeeze on his heart

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Soon Kyoya felt another tight squeeze on his heart. He began to vomit blood as he found it hard to breathe. Afterwards, Kyoya was stabbed in his shoulder by Kurono. His screams of pain filled the room as has magic was beginning to grow more and more unstable. This treatment kept going on for years as he starts thinking to himself.

"It's always like this. I'm forced to fight or else i'll starve. The scientists consider me a special case so I stayed in a special part of the facility and was kept away from the other children here. Whenever I don't live up to their expectations, they force me to say the phrase over and over."

Kyoya was seen beaten and on the ground. Underneath him was a pool of his own blood. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted to call out for help. But no one would come, all he got was Vanica's voice and image stuck inside his head as he spent years in this hell. This cycle was repeated over and over again. So much so that Kyoya was slowly forgetting what a normal life was.

"The expectations from everyone that want to force me to be strong. The love that I receive from's suffocating."

Kyoya was now seen with several slash marks covering his body. His blood dripping onto the floor as he held back his screams and tears. He put a hand in his chest as he felt nothing but an unbearable pain inside of him.

"It's suffocating."

Kyoya is seen alone in his room as he wasn't allowed to play with the other kids. He wasn't even given enough time to rest between experiments so he would always have more and more injuries after each one. There was no time for him to rest, the only thing he had time to do was suffer.

"It's suffocating. It's suffocating. It's suffocating. It's suffocating! It's suffocating!!! It's suffocating!!!! It's suffocating!!!!! It's suffocating!!!!!! It's suffocating!!!!! It's suffocating!!!! It's suffocating!!!! It's suffocating. It's suffocating!! It's suffocating. It's suffocating. It's suffocating!!!! IT'S SUFFOCATING!!!! IT'S SUFFOCATING!!!! IT'S SUFFOCATING!!! IT'S SUFFOCATING!!!!! IT'S SUFFOCATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As he screamed these words out loud and as they rung through his head, Kyoya was seen putting his hands to his eyes. As this happened, an image of Vanica was next to him. Not only that, the image of himself that everyone envisions, an image of him being strong was seen next to him as he said one thing while he found himself in tears.

"This life......this love...this suffocating."


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