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-Time skip a week later-

-Jihyo: Are you sure about this? Are you really going to bring Seohee to school by yourself?
-Hyunjae: Yeah, today I have to start my class one hour later than usual so I can do it (smiles) Don't worry, I'll do it. Plus I think that she doesn't mind if I'm the one dropping her at school, right?
-Seohee: Yes! Mommy, oppa will take care of me, don't worry (chuckles)
-Jihyo: Fine then, but today I have a reunion and Hyunjae needs to stay at college, so you'll be eating with grandma, okay?
-Seohee: (nods) It's been a while since I visited granny (smiles) I see you for dinner, right?
-Hyunjae: Of course! (chuckles) We have to spend some time together too, right?
-Seohee: You are right, and this weekend let's go to the zoo! (smiles)
-Jihyo: We'll see... Maybe Hyunjae has other plans, who knows (srughs and smirks at you) Are you meeting the boys?
-Hyunjae: More like I'm meeting the monkeys along Seohee (chuckles) Let's go to school?
-Seohee: Yay! We'll be going to the zoo~ (holds your hand) Let's go! I'm ready, today I'll study a lot. I'll be like mommy once I grow up (smiles proudly)
-Jihyo: Aww my baby (kisses her cheek) Take care and enjoy your day (looks at you) Also you... (smiles shyly) Have a nice-
-Hyunjae: (kisses her lips) I'll see you in class Ms. Park (smirks)
-Jihyo: (mumbling) Idiot... (smiles)

The last two weeks have been the best ever! Who would have known that all I needed to be happier was someone like Hyunjae, no... It had to be him. The way he sees everything from a different perspective, they way he protects and treats Seohee.

And not to say about how affectionate he has been with me all this days. Not gonna lie, we've made love whenever we had the chance. But above that, I loved the after it times... When he embraces me against his chest.

Also sleeping together has turned into my favourite habit. I can really confirm how in love I am with this boy... He's different from me, he's a dreamer while I'm realistic. He's young and well... I'm near the 30. He likes to party and I prefer to watch a movie at home. But we are perfect for each other... I wonder if he also feels the same.

Well, I should stop thinking about him all day, right now I should focus on Seohee. Its already 7:00pm and I need to bath her and prepare dinner.

-Seohee: Mommy! (runs towards Jihyo and hugs her)
-Jihyo: How have you been, sweetie? (smiles)
-Mom: Jihyo, dear (smiles and hugs her) It's been a while since we last saw each other.
-Jihyo: Yeah, well...
-Mom: Seohee told me about how busy you suddenly are. And also about... That Hyunjae. Who do you have at home?
-Jihyo: Well... He's someone that I, how to tell this... (nervous)
-Seohee: Hyunjae oppa is mommy's boyfriend (smiles) He stays at home and when he's done doing homework, he plays with me (chuckles) It's so fun to have him at home, he makes everything better! And mommy look better when he's around...
-Jihyo: (embarrassed) Seohee...
-Mom: (raises an eyebrow) So your boyfriend. And he does homework? Is he still a student?
-Jihyo: Indeed, he's actually MY student... (sighs)
-Mom: God Jihyo! He's much younger than you, right?! Not to say that relationship between students and teachers are forbidden! What would your father do? You know that he's the college's principal!
-Jihyo: And that's exactly why it has to be remained as a secret (smiles shyly) Mom, this might sound crazy, but have never been happier. Hyunjae is the light that Seohee and I needed!
-Mom: What about Donghan? He's better for you, I'm sure that he's more stable too and-
-Jihyo: And he's not Hyunjae. It can't be with anyone but Hyunjae (serious)
-Seohee: Hyunjae is the best (smiles)
-Mom: (Sighs) I want to meet him, then. I want to check that he's actually good enough... If he's actually worth enough to risk your career.
-Jihyo: He is, I promise you, mom.
-Mom: Then, this Friday I'll visit the both of you. Your father has to meet with other principals so he'll be busy. Bring him here...
-Jihyo: Okay...

If he accepts to come of course. Damn, this is a serious topic. I never expected the "meeting my parents" event this soon. Hyunjae is not officially my boyfriend, he hasn't healed completely yet and this might be too much for him. What am I going to do?

-Time skip until dinner time-

-Hyunjae: So later on, I think that we should visit the lions zone, don't you think? (smiles)
-Seohee: I like your zoo planning (chuckles) We'll take lot of photos together, right?
-Hyunjae: Of course (smiles) And if you want, I'll carry you on my shoulders to be as tall as giraffes!
-Seohee: Really? It's a promise?
-Hyunjae: It's a promise (smiles and does the pinky thing with Seohee)
-Jihyo: Seohee, why don't you head to sleep already?
-Seohee: But it's too soon mommy... I'm talking with oppa and-
-Jihyo: Please dear, go to sleep already, will you? (smiles)
-Seohee: (looks down) Yes mommy... (pecks Jihyo and then looks at you)
-Hyunjae: Tomorrow we'll continue planning everything, don't worry (smiles)
-Seohee: (runs to you and hugs you) I love you.
-Hyunjae:... (hugs her back) I love you too (smiles softly) Have sweet dreams.
-Jihyo: She adores you already... (smiles)
-Hyunjae: Yeah, Park girls seem to like me a lot (chuckles)
-Jihyo: Talking about that... I need you to meet the older Park girl... Uh....
-Hyunjae: Nayeon noona? I met her in that bar (smiles)
-Jihyo: No, not Nayeon. My mother... This Friday while my father is not there.
-Hyunjae: (suddenly pale) Oh...
-Jihyo: Since the principal, my father, will be busy it has to be on Friday. I know that this is probably too much for you to handle so I understand if you don't want to do it...
-Hyubjae: The principle is named "Im" why are you Park?
-Jihyo: Well, actually my mother is not Park Neither... She's also Im, also Nayeon. I'm adopted.

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