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We are currently heading towards Jihyo's parents house. Today I'm supposed to meet her mother, I'm not nervous at all, it was much worse to meet Seohee.

I can always pretend to be someone with the style enough to be with Jihyo. I'll act as a Prince despite being the total opposite. I'm doing this for Jihyo, so I'll be okay.

-Jihyo: Are you nervous?
-Hyunjae: Nah, I'm pretty okay... I used to act a lot when I was a kid in order to get whatever I wanted in exchange. This is the same (smiles)
-Jihyo: I think that you just need to be yourself (smiles)
-Hyunjae: Don't you prefer if I act as a Prince?
-Jihyo: You already are a prince (chuckles)
-Hyunjae: In your eyes maybe (srughs)
-J. Mom: Dear you already are here! (smiles) I've been waiting for you... (looks at you) You must be Hyunjae, right?
-Hyunjae: Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Im (smiles and bows)
-J. Mom: Let's head inside, I've prepared tea and some cookies... We have to talk about plenty things (chuckles)

We follow her inside the house until we reach what seems to be the living room. She prepared tea for all of us and cookies. How do I tell her that I prefer coffee over tea? I guess that I can't, I'll just drink it...

-Jihyo: So... Now that we are here, ask about whatever you want mom, I know that you want to know almost everything about him (smiles and bites a cookie)
-J. Mom: Well, first of all I would like to ask you, if you are going serious with my daughter. She's already a grown up woman with a daughter, and she doesn't have time to waste if you know what I mean... She needs uhm (clears her throat) Certain stability.
-Hyunjae: Yes, I'm going serious with Jihyo and of course I take into account everything that it involves. I adore Seohee, and although I'm still a student, I'm doing my best to become a man able to maintain his family (smiles)

Did I just call Jihyo and Seohee my family? We've been living together just for two weeks, maybe I don't hace the right to them like that yet.

-J. Mom: (smiles) Talking about family, now that we know that you are going serious with my daughter... Could we set a meet with your parents? (chuckles)
-Hyunjae: Oh, uhm... I would love to but (looks down)
-Jihyo: (notices you breaking down) Mom, Hyunjae doesn't have parents... He was abandone when he was a kid.
-J. Mom: What? Oh (places the tea mug in the table) I'm really sorry dear, I didn't know...
-Hyunjae: It's okay (forces a smile) I've been well raised in an orphanage.
-J. Mom: Then, there's no need to do that meeting... Actually I said so just to maintain the formalities, but it's not necessary! (chuckles) Just to see that you are serious with my daughter and that you'll take the responsibilities, that's enough. Of course, it must be kept as a secret for a while...
-Hyunjae: I know, relationships between student and teacher are forbidden. Our plan is to keep it hidden at least until next semester where I'll pass to another course.
-J. Mom: Fine, then for the moment I think that you shouldn't live together (sighs) I know that you probably want to spend all the time possible together, but it's forbidden. Also, avoid appearing in public... Okay?
-Hyunjae: I think that you are right Ms, I'll return to my apartment (smiles) The semester will pass by really fast and soon I'll return, it won't be a problem (holds Jihyo's hand)

The rest of the visit passed by really fast, she asked me about trivial stuff about me and also explained some little adventures that Jihyo went through when she was a little girl.

-Jihyo: (already in the car) Are you seriously leaving? (pouts)
-Hyunjae: You know that I can't be seen with Ms. Park (chuckles)
-Jihyo: Yes but... My bed will feel huge and Seohee will miss you too.
-Hyunjae: (smiles) We'll be okay, don't worry. Maybe I can stay over on weekends...
-Jihyo: It's not a bad idea (smiles) By the way, is it true? Are you going serious with me?
-Hyunjae: (embarrassed) Uhm... W-Well, I thought that maybe... Having a family wouldn't be a bad idea. Plus, you said that you would help me to go through my trauma, and I took it seriously.
-Jihyo: (excited) Then is this your answer to my confession? Do you also like me? Do you love me?
-Hyunjae: Jihyo... (chuckles) You already know how I feel. But I still have fear about you and Seohee leaving me too...
-Jihyo: That won't happen and you know it (smiles) I'll pick up all your broken pieces, and together we'll gather them and heal you completely. If you tell me that you love me and that we are going serious, that's enough. I just need you to tell me that-
-Hyunjae: I love you. Jihyo I love you!
-Jihyo: (suddenly really shy)
-Hyunjae: Jihyo?
-Jihyo: Sorry, I'm overwhelmed... (chuckles) It's the first time that I feel like this with a boy.
-Hyunjae: (makes her closer to you) I am the only boy who can make you feel this, okay? (smirks and kisses her)
-Jihyo: Hyunjae... (passes from her seat to your lap) You are the only one, Hyunjae. I need you, you are all that I need (smiles)
-Hyunjae: If your mom opens the door now, she'll panic once she sees us... (chuckles)
-Jihyo: You are right (pouts) Agh, I was feeling like it...
-Hyunjae: Wait, let me drive to a secret place (smirks)
-Jihyo: You have the license?
-Hyunjae: Of course, but I didn't have money to drive a car (chuckles) Now, put your belt on... We'll go somewhere where no one will bother us.
-Jihyo: We have to pick up Seohee from school at 5:00pm...
-Hyunjae: We'll arrive on time, I just need to help my needy girl first (smirks and starts the machine)

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