Perish the very thought. She gagged just thinking about it.

She understood why he would want her as his... She couldn't even say it. She was a strong saiyan. A strong female saiyan who's power was very close to his own. They could give birth to a very powerful offspring.

She got it.

But no.


A shiver ran through her as she dwelled on the thought a bit too long.

Leaning back she stared at the purplish orange sky. A moon loomed very close by and was an amazing sight. What should she do for the next few years? Everyone was so much stronger now. In fact that would be a massive understatement. They could all be considered overpowered. No current villains could pose any form of threat to them. They could and would easily be beaten. The next couple of years won't be very conflict filled. Especially since Piccolo J will be raised by Kami. Hopefully he doesn't turn out as kind as Kami.  She didn't think he will. She wished for him to be the Piccolo she knew from the show. The same guy who threw a four year old child into a mountain.

Should she ask Whis about the saiyans? Would he let her wish them back? Maybe he would. Again, very neutral creature. Beerus is the one that she needed to worry about. If he did order her entire race's destruction he would not like to wake up to them suddenly existing again.

But the keyword is if.

She had recently let her interface pull up the episode in which it was stated that Beerus ordered the kill. She watched it in dub and sub. She noticed that the sub and dub differ when it came down to this statement. The dub version states that Beerus ordered the destruction of planet Vegeta and the extermination of her race. However, in the sub version no such thing is said. Beerus did not order their demise. That was all Frieza. After discovering this she read the manga and sure enough it was not stated there either. It was two against one. Original against tampered.

Beerus did not order their death.

The big problem with her discovery is that she could not go on it because she was in an alternate universe. Things could be very different. For all she knew Beerus could have actually ordered their destruction

So what should she do?

She really wanted to bring her race back and reshape them somehow. She wanted the Tuffles back. She wanted them to work together. It would be amazing. She wanted to bring the planets back too, but she could always just terraform one or two within her system. It was most definitely possible. If she were to do that she would go for the biggest planet in her solar system which would be Jupiter and Saturn.

Terraforming Jupiter is the process of building an artificial surface above the atmosphere and making a new, life supporting biosphere. The super strong artificial surface would be built at a distance from Jupiter's 'surface' where the gravity is just about reasonable , and given an Earth-like atmosphere and temperatures. The low altitudes will be covered with vast oceans while the higher altitudes will be continents and islands.

The fact that she remembered that so clearly somehow made her feel proud.

Of course there's all of that basic science stuff. On the other hand she could actually make floating cities.

Either one would be very hard work or very easy. Very hard if she decided on terraforming it with science and technology. Very easy if she decided to ask her dragon for help.

The easy way would be very little fun though. The hard way would take longer but would be something she would greatly enjoy doing.

Saturn was a different story. It would take a lot more work for that one. Work. Work. Work. Plans. Plans. Plans. She was back at it. It never really stopped, huh?

"You will both be training under me" Sarada was paying attention to Whis again. Her ears perked at his words, awaiting his next anxiously. "However, your training will vary at times "

Whis looked between the two, a smile forming on his face. Sarada and Bulma glanced at each other, not sure they could trust that smile.

"I should put you two in separate rooms, shouldn't I? "He questioned with a hand on his chin. He wore this obviously fake look of contemplation as he spoke. "The extra rooms are just three hallways away. It's not that far"

Sarada's tail twitched at the words, a brow raised. He was not serious. No. Of course not. That smile was nothing but amusement. Glancing at Bulma she took in the nervous twitch of her tail. She almost chuckled. She obviously was not a fan of being apart. She never actually was. She wondered if she ever would be. Was she clingy? Were they both clingy? Maybe. She wasn't sure. Although she was very aware of her possessiveness. That is very prominent.

"You're not serious" Bulma groaned and received a small laugh.

"It would be interesting" Whis voiced. "However I was merely jesting"

Sarada sighed in relief and fell back into the grass.

"There is no time for rest Sarada" Came Whis' voice as he came to stand near her. "Training starts now"

Bulma was surprised with the speed with which Sarada got to her feet. Her tail betrayed her excitement as a smirk spread across her lips. She was really looking forward to getting her ass handed to her. A bit masochistic no? Bulma chuckled. She's just looking forward to fighting someone stronger than her for once.

"I applaud your enthusiasm" Whis smiled as his eyes roamed her form for a moment. He hummed as he moved his staff towards her. That would not do. Not at all. With a small movement there was a glow around her body. Once faded her clothes had been replaced. "Better"

Sarada bounced on her feet for a moment. Light. Very very light. Lighter than she ever expected. Her gi was much the same. Yellow gi. Red sash, wristband and boots. The difference was the new sign on her chest. One she was familiar with. The same one Goku and Vegeta had when training with Whis.

"And now for you" Whis turned to Bulma and the same thing took place. Soon she was standing in a white gi, a look of fascination on her face. She adjusted the blue sash at her waist and shuffled in her boots of same color. She had a smile on her face as she jumped around a bit.

"This is really light"

Sarada nodded with a hum.

"Good" Whis brought their attention back to him. "Let us begin"

Bulma was confused, but Sarada knew exactly what those words meant. Whis wanted to see how well or how bad they were when it came to fighting. It was more the latter to him. Within a second Sarada was in front of him, massive smile on her face and fist pulled back. All of that came to a sudden stop with a pinky and a thumb. Bulma blinked in surprise at the action. Expecting something and seeing it  actually happen before one's eyes are very different. Sarada was stopped so easily and casually flung over Whis' shoulder.

"You are very weak, Sarada" Whis spoke calmly.

Bulma almost spluttered. Sarada was weak? Again. Maybe she should really not be surprised. Sarada did state this. But again it was new seeing her so easily taken down. And it was definitely new having weak associated with her.

"Oh I know" Sarada was jumping from foot to foot. Bulma felt her ki climb higher and higher with each passing second. Her tail flicked around rapidly and her smile grew bigger. The aura around her was pulsing, seeming to be a iridescent flame around her body. Bulma noted the way her ki flickered in and out of her senses. One moment she could feel it. The next it was gone, leaving no trace.

Whis raised a brow. Sarada was an oddity. He wondered how she so naturally possessed god ki. At the moment it was slipping out. It was right there. She just needed to learn control. He tilted his head curiously as Sarada's power climbed and climbed. It seemed as if it would not stop. Interesting.

Whis moved with a speed Sarada could not follow. However his appearance before her did not shock her. She only grinned, showing her teeth even as she was forced away by an invicible force.

Bulma sighed and sat down. It's best she let Sarada have her fun.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now