chapter 5

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It had been two months,the ship was completed,Sarada had tested it and she was happy with the results. She upped the gravity to ten and was happy to find it working properly. The max gravity of the machine is 500. She spent a couple of hours training in the thing before she needed to eat and take a shower. It was finally time for her to go. She didn't plan on being away for long,just a month or so. She just needed to learn instant transmission and the fusion dance. You never know when the latter would come in handy.

She started teaching Bulma all about ki as she had promised. To her pleasant surprise Bulma picked up on things pretty quick,not just scientific. She understood what she needed to do to get a hold of her ki very well and did so in two days time. It was impressive. Sarada was actually pretty proud of herself and Bulma. She was just learning how to fly. She figured it out all on her own as well. She only needed Sarada's advice on how to better move around and stay in the sky longer. It wouldn't be too long before she was flying around like an expert.

She wanted to learn how to fight next,finding Sarada very fascinating for how much different she was from her. She was so strong,confident,smart and independent. Bulma wanted to be like that. Strong enough to handle herself when faced with dangers,to do all the impossible feats Sarada could so easily pull off,to be unaffected by gravity ten times that of earth,to be so calm and collected in every situation. Sarada became the person she aspired to be, despite her being younger.

She would have to wait,however. Sarada was setting off soon and promised to teach her some martial arts when she returned. She also promised to bring some space tech with her to experiment. The two had some wonderful times working on such projects together. It was fun having someone who enjoyed the same thing as you,they both realized.

As it was,Bulma was lying on Sarada's bed watching her rummage through her desk in search of something. She had already packed capsules containing everything she would need for her trip. Some new armor,normal clothes,food,her projects,some medical supplies,food,training utilities,food.

Mostly food.

"What are you looking for? "

"My scouter" Just as she said that she found the small device under a pile of papers. She should really be more orderly with her desk. The small device looked the same as it always did,with a few changes of course. Firstly it was set in earth language so Bulma could understand. The only reason Sarada did that was so Bulma would stop pestering her about it. Very persistent. The other change is the increase in detectable ki. She increased it from 10.000 to 20.000. To do that she needed to strengthen it's materials and detectors so it would not explode upon coming in contact with a high power level. It was a very enjoyable job. She didn't really plan on using it to detect power levels though. It was still her listening device. She was still keeping a close eye on Frieza and from what she gathered Raditz,Vegeta and Nappa had returned a few weeks back and have been fed the ridiculous lie. Now they at working under the cold tyrant. Sarada told herself she could care less about those fools. They never treated her as an equel despite her high power. Even her own older brother who was weaker than her. The fool. It's why they always got into fights,which resulted with him in intensive care,yet somehow he was still a smug, prideful bastard. And don't get her started on the prince. She may have him to thank for her life and he made sure she knew that,but that did not mean she was beneath him. They were very close in power and so he had no right. And it was always she who made sure they got back in one piece. She was Always the one that made their life saving decisions. It was always her that repaired their ships whenever it had an issue. They never appreciated all the times she saved their asses.

In all honesty she really couldn't care less about the prince and Nappa,but she found herself unwillingly caring about her bastard of an older brother. She found herself worried about him and actually missing him. He was still her brother and family after all. She never had such a thing in her last life so she appreciated it in this one.

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