Chapter 16

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Sarada was a big fan of silence. It was her solitude. If it was quiet she could focus. Think. Complete whatever creation she had visualized. She could meditate with no interruptions. Practice some of her skills. All in all she loved the silence. It allowed her to do a lot. There are various types of silences though and while Sarada is a fan of it there are the types she can not stand.

One of them is silence of a big space. Looking at the current situation it would have to be the deadly silence of the small village they found themselves in. She sighed as she looked at the radar. It was close. The town was silent. It was a weird feeling.

"I don't like this quiet" she said as she jumped off her cloud. With her command it drifted off into the sky to hide between the rest. Kakarot hovered on the cloud of his own next to her. He seemed curious as he directed his cloud around the village.

"A ghost town " Bulma said as she stood beside Sarada. She had her hands folded to her chest as she observed the town. She raised an eyebrow as her eyes lingered on the nearest house. "The village is inhabited. I can sense the amount of ki here"

"There are a lot of people here" Kakarot appeared in front of them. He jumped off his nimbus and watched it fly away with a smile. He had the time of his life on the way to the village. He was shooting through the sky. Making loops. Flying through intricate rocks. He went up into the clouds and dived back down. It was amazon. The feel of the wind in his hair and face. The freedom he felt as he enjoyed his ride. He could understand why Sarada prevered her nimbus clouds over anything else. It was the best.

"They're hiding" Sarada voice as she started to walk deeper into the village. Her company followed after her in silence. She eyed each house she passed. There was a specific one she was in search of. The one Kakarot had so rudely broken into in the original timeline. She still needed the plot to be somewhat the same to build his and Bulma's powerlevel. At least for now. Besides it was fun to follow the plot in reality. Although the plot has been kicked out the window the day she was born. Oh well.

If it's not broken don't try to fix it.

She stopped at her desired house. She stood in front of the door calmly. She could hear voices inside and from the way her younger brother perked up it was obvious he did as well.

Sarada being the person she is decided to be civilized and knock on the door. No answer. She did it again. No answer. She sighed and leaned on the wall beside the door.

"Hello in there. Would you please open the door? We have a couple of questions to ask. We mean no harm"

Again no answer. Another sigh from Sarada and she looked at her company. They already knew what she was silently asking.

"I'll do it"

Kakarot stepped forward and swiftly punched a hole through the door. He did it so fast it was over in a second. With a small tap from his foot the door was pushed open and he bravely stepped into the house. Four steps in and an axe came crashing down on his head.

"That's gotta hurt" Bulma winced at the sight while Sarada only watched with clear amusement. The fact that she seems to take pleasure in her brother's pain is a bit off putting. But Bulma supposed it is what makes Sarada so unique in the long run. She can come off as cruel most of the time. And it sometimes seems as if she does not care for the younger saiyan, but Sarada has a weird way of displaying her love.

Kakarot yowled in pain and gripped his head. He was not expecting an axe to come crashing down on his head. With his ki lowered his durability apparently went down. that's what he gets for using his ki as reinforcement. Sarada had warned him against that. He should start listening to his sister more.

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