Chapter 17

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Kakarot blinked as the massive bull decided to turn tail and run before anything even truly happened. He just stood there and watched dumbfounded.

Dressing as a girl was a stupid idea. He lost the costume the second Oolong appeared. Of course the tyrant was angry. Furious even. He threatened to kill him. The threat did nothing. Kakarot could sense his ki. It was lower than the pathetic ten he was limited to. He could take care of him with little trouble. It was disappointing. He was expecting a good battle. The way the villagers spoke of him made him truly believe that his opponent would be strong. At least standing at a rating of ten or higher. He sighed. He should have known.

The angry Oolong had transformed himself into a massive raging bull. It was interesting. Kakarot had never seen anyone transform before. How does one go from one shape to the next, he wondered. A mystery. He should ask his sister. She knew of such odd things.

He drew his power pole and spread his legs. He took on his usual fighting stance, keeping his guard up. He remembered what Sarada had told him.

"One does not need to posses an incredible amount of ki to be a worthy opponent "

He would go by that. Maybe this Oolong was more of a challange than he thought. So he waited and challenged him. He was giving him the opportunity to strike first.

But he ran.

He just turned around and ran with his tail literally between his legs.

And so Kakarot was just standing there. That was a let down. A major let down. He stood up straight. Losing his battle stance. He was a bit confused. He just ran. He talked as if he would fight him. Beat him. He dared him to make a move. But he ran like a coward.

"That's no good"

Kakarot returned the power pole to its place on his back as he ran toward the gate that signaled the exit of the village. He was there in record time and skidded to a stop just on the outside. A small pig was standing there casually. He was whistling a song to the air. He looked at Kakarot. Feigning disinterest.

Kakarot was not fooled. His ki was similar to the bull that was in front of him. He wasn't a dense fool. He glared at the pig.

"Do you really think you can hide in plain sight? " he questioned.

The pig widened his eyes. His plan failed. The boy was smarter than he looked. It's time to bail.

Again Kakarot only watched as Oolong ran again. He transformed into a bat and flew off. Was this becoming a thing now? He could only sigh as he propeled himself into the sky after him. He was faster and more skilled in the air and easily caught up to him. Oolong tried to make a break for it, but Kakarot easily took hold of him. His grip was strong and the struggling Oolong could do nothing to escape it.

"You can try all you want. I'm not letting you go"

Kakarot landed back in the village and casually walked back into the house he emerged out of. Inside Sarada was having a conversation with the girl that had helped him. He didn't catch her name. On one side of the house Bulma was poking at some small device she had on her. He didn't know what it was and he did not care.

The only one to take note of his arrival was the old man.

"Did you do it? "

Kakarot nodded and presented Oolong who was now in his true form. A weak little pig who tried to squirm out of Kakarot's tight hold.

"That's not Oolong"

"He is" Kakarot located a piece of rope and got to work. He securely tied to material around Oolong's chubby waist and tugged. He smiled when the pig grunted in discomfort. "He can transform. That's how he was all those different monstrous shapes and sizes"

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