Chapter 53

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"She's having a blast, isn't she? "

Sarada nodded to the words of a blanched Krillin. He knew the kid was powerful. She was related to the monsters that were Sarada, Kakarot and Bardock. Still. He did not imagine the magnitude of her strength. Like all of them she always supressed her power. Even as she fought Piccolo her power was not equaling his own. It was lower and still she tossed him around like a ragdoll. Krillin realized with a shiver that Lotus was the type that attacked one mentally as well as physically. She knew how Piccolo worked. She made him push rational thoughts out the window. In his anger he was not thinking straight. Not seeing through the toddler's childish smile. Not seeing through the childish eyes.

Piccolo was sent flying again. He clenched his teeth in pain. The damn child had easily ripped off his arm and so casually discarded it. She drifted above him, waiting patiently for him to regenerate and come back to her. She was looking down on him. How dare she? She was nothing but a child. There was no way she was stronger than him. He tool a calming breath. He had to clear his anger. That's the reason she was getting the upper hand. She wasn't stronger, he told himself. He was just letting his anger cloud his thoughts. Yes. That was it. He should not let a child anger him so. She was beneath him. She was but a puny human. She was nothing compared to him. None of them were.

Lotus raised a brow when Piccolo reappeared before her. She made to avade him, but he read her movements and intercepted her. She blinked as his fist connected to her skull and sent her down with a force. She tilted her head as she was quickly approaching the earth. It seems he saw through his anger. He regained his senses. Ah, well. She shrugged. Maybe things will get a tad more interesting, no?

The sound of impact reached their ears. Even from that high up in the air her crash could be heard. She lay there on the hard earth for a moment. The earth has not broken under her. The impact was absorbed, as was the functions of their planet now. It would not be destroyed as long as it absorbed anything aimed at it. The toddler stood from the ground, ignoring the arrogant laughter of Piccolo. She rolled her shoulder, removing the tense aches. She tilted her head up, eyes locked on the Namekian. The smile was gone. The childish look was gone. She ruffled her hair to get the sand out and dusted herself off. Slowly she climbed into the air. She eyed the watch at her wrist. It noted the amount of power she released. Still lower than Piccolo. She looked away taking off her shirt. She dropped it. A loud sound emanating upon impact. She was left with another, rather casual shirt. She shrugged, now that the weight was removed. Weighted shirts was something she frequented as a form of training.

She was face to face with Piccolo now. They stared each other down before Piccolo decided to attack first. He decided to put an end to their useless fight. He has no need to draw things out any further. He had a wish to make. After he takes care of the child he'll retrieve the dragon balls from the rest.

Sarada looked on in interest as Piccolo aimed one arm at Lotus while the other supported said arm. She recognized it immediately. The Explosive Demon Wave was strong enough to wipe out an entire city. It was quite impressive seeing as it came from a pathetically weak Piccolo. However, he was far stronger now. That attack could wipe out multiple cities.

Lotus realized this as the Namekian powered up the attack. She felt his ki climb rapidly. She was interested in the attack. She wanted to see what it could do and see of she it was something she could copy.


In the middle of his power up Lotus appeared behind him, leg raised and a ki ball forming at her foot. To say Piccolo was surprised would be an understatement. He was not fast enough to move away from her range. She brought her leg down and the ki ball hit him straight in his back. He screamed as it burned through his flesh, effectively burning a hole in his chest. The ball of power ripped through the air after emerging from his chest. The attack he had been building up died immediately as he lost all strength.

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