Chapter 10

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Sarada huffed as she pushed herself up for the four hundredth time. She was currently in her gravity room accompanied by her now three year old brother who was trying very hard to walk in the increased gravity. It wasn't by much. Sarada thought he was old enough to undergo more vigorous training. The gravity had been set to a lowly 13. He'd get a grasp of it at some point.

While he was learning to adjust Sarada did a set of basic exercises to get her blood pumping. It has been an official year since her arrival on earth. It flew by pretty fast.

After having returned with her younger brother and mother Sarada went back to Jun. She took him up on his offer and became his one and only pupil. It was a learning experience. She spent around three months training under him. She learned fast. Everything he thought her she took to heart. She learned how to find and sense her own magic. How to feel it,how to utilize it to do small things,simple things. She did some things she never thought she would be able to do. It was fun. Jun was a great teacher. He always joked around,always made delicious herbal tea and always sent Sarada off on the oddest little missions. Once she was tasked with catching a monkey for reasons unknown. Some other day she was tasked with forcing a leaf to fall through mental will alone. Once she had to sit on a mountain top for days.

"For your inner peace"Jun would say

It mattered not for whatever reason he made her do such things. She did them all without complaint and did them splendidly. Jun would praise her for her natural talent and hard work. For it was her natural talent that made using magic such an easy thing to learn.

All in all she was happy training with the old man. She even received her very own gi. She was an official member of the cloud school,as ridiculous as it sounded she never minded. Her gi was yellow in color with a red sash around the waist and similar colored wristbands and boots. On her chest and back was the Kanji for her school that she was very proud of.

Jun taught her a lot of things. She honed her skills as best she could. To perfection,that was her goal. The one skill she was most proud of was the ability to create nimbus clouds.

It was somehow as she hypothesized. The clouds were made through manipulating the water particals in the air,at least that is how she made them. By use of magic and spirit control the cloud was complete.

At first she could only create small clouds. Big enough for one person. The clouds always came out white in color. It would seem like any normal cloud in the sky. As the days went on and her training continued she could increase the size of her cloud as well as influence its color.

"There is more to cloud creation than one might think" Jun had told her one day. He had prepared the boar Sarada had hunted down. It was a delicious meal,seasoned with the herbs he collected. "The nimbus can do more than fly you around"

That was when Sarada looked up at him with stuffed cheeks. She couldn't talk for she feared she would choke on her food. She could only tilt her head in question.

"If one is skilled enough they could use the cloud as protection,armor,weapons. Whatever one may choose" he informed her. His voiced filled with aged wisdom.

Sarada listened carefully,not daring to interrupt. She was learning more and more from him everyday. She thought she knew of this world,she thought she knew its secrets, but she discovered Jun and her eyes were opened. What more secrets lay hidden? Would she find them? How she dreamed of finding them,studying them and understanding their workings.

The reality of dragon ball was very fascinating.

"The type of weapon and armor is unique to its user" He went on.

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