Chapter 45

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Sarada was all smiles as she sat at the dinning table and enjoyed the food presented before her. She was purposely oblivious when it came to the still annoyed Bulma sitting next to her. She was grumpy because no matter what she did Sarada could not wipe that smug smirk off her face. Bulma glanced at her only to be met with amused eyes. She glared before looking away. There was not a scratch on the girl. She was perfectly fine and very happy. Bulma sighed. In the end Sarada had easily stopped her and casually slung her over her shoulder as she headed back into the house.


Sarada shot a curious glance at the now calm and passive Bulma. She was not expecting her to apologize. Even though she did kinda beat the hell out of her, but in all honesty it was nothing and Sarada quickly countered. Then again she couldn't really blame Bulma seeing as she was the one who started it in the first place. She had to admit she was impressed with Bulma's strenght. It seemed she had been training without her knowledge. She was not expecting her to throw her across the garden. Thinking back to that moment only brought the urge to laugh. It was funny to her.

But back to Bulma.

"You're apologizing? "

"Yes, I overreacted" Bulma said honestly. "But I'm still mad about what you did"

"I did nothing wrong, you're just grumpy because I proved a point"

Bulma scoffed and folded her arms. The tell tale sign of her annoyance.

Sarada found it amusing. Should she apologize for what she did? Maybe, but it would absolutely not be genuine so best she not apologize. What's the point of an apology if you're not sincere? So she would not apologize unless she felt genuinely sorry about what she did.

"Apology accepted, although you didn't need to. I wasn't mad or anything" Sarada said shrugging as she continued to eat. Again, she did start everything and Bulma wasn't necessarily going all out on her. She couldn't be mad. She was more amused than anything else. How many times had she seen Chichi beat the hell out of Kakarot? It was something she questioned but found funny. What she could not accept was the fact that Chichi did it so often and refused to let Kakarot be Kakarot. She was hoping the two didn't turn out that way. She was confident they wouldn't, seeing as how Chichi wants to keep up. She obviously likes her younger brother and the boy is as oblivious as she was. No harm done.

"I feel bad" Bulma stared down at her food with a look in her eyes. She really overreacted and shouldn't have gotten so angry. While Sarada may care very little about what she did she still felt a bit guilty

"You shouldn't or maybe you should, I don't really know" Sarada said as she began to think of when one should and should not feel guilt. She'll come back to that. "Either way, I'm not mad and I have accepted your apology. On top of that you did not hurt me and I was the one that started it all, so don't feel guilt. Okay? "

Bulma said nothing and only ate her food.

"I need to fix the cracks by the window later" Sarada said to herself. "I'll have to reinforce my room because such a thing is likely to happen again"

There was obvious smugness in her voice that earned her a look from Bulma. Sarada only chucked and pretended not to notice.

"This means nothing"

"On the contrary I think it does. It means a lot. And it also makes me look forward to the future. I'm curious now. I wonder if a reinforced bedroom would be strong enough when you lose yourself. You are very strong after all. And you react so plea-" before Sarada could finish her sentence Bulma pinched her in her side as she tended to do. And as usual Sarada wiggled away from the girl next to her. She should be used to it by now.

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