Chapter 34

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Bulma stared up into the green sky of the planet she found herself on. She was fascinated to find three suns shining brightly in the sky. She was sure the planet has never seen night. She wondered if it was tidally locked. If it was it made the planet even more fascinating. The planet could be earth's twin. The atmosphere was breathable. The gravity was practically the same. Everything was practically the same. The only difference being the three suns, the green sky and water and the blue grass. The water had fishes swimming in them. She spotted a frog out the corner of her eye.

Sarada jumped out of their spaceship and took a look around. Namek. Not bad. It was very similar to earth and looked exactly like she had seen in the anime. She chuckled at the excited Bulma who was flying around and investigating everything. It was funny seeing her explore the planet.

Sarada had pressed a hidden button on the ship and caught the capsule it shrunk into. With the capsule pocketed she expanded her ki and located the nearest village. North. She wondered which village she would end up in. Maima? Moori? Tsuno?

"Bulma, lets go" Sarada had wrapped her tail around her waist and ascended the air. She motioned for Bulma to follow.

"So, what are your plans? "Bulma asked as she quickly caught up to Sarada. She was still very curious about the planet but could do research later on. Besides, she wanted to meet the species that inhibited the planet.

"Introduce ourselves and let them know we mean no harm. The Namekians are friendly creatures they'll welcome us if we prove ourselves" Sarada explained as she stared straight ahead. The ki she was sensing was closer. She was excited to meet the Namekians. They were nice creatures that she respected. She wouldn't mind bringing back a baby Namekian to keep Kami company.

"A tiny village" Bulma noted as the two came to stop above the small village. She hummed in curiosity as she eyed the Namekians looking up at them warily.They were humanoids with slug-like characteristics, including antennae, light green skin, and pink patches appearing throughout their bodies. She noted that the younger ones were brighter in color while the older ones were a darker green. And the pink patches were faded in colors.

"You see, they look like aliens. Saiyans are deceptive " Bulma commented.

"Whatever you say" Sarada chuckled as she slowly descended to the ground. Bulma followed.

The Namekians kept their distance. Sarada easily picked out the warrior type, for they stood at the front and on guard. There were but two of them. The children were hiding behind their elder brothers as they cautiously eyed the two newcomers.

"Who are you? "

"I'm Sarada, my friend over there is Bulma. We came here from earth to ask a favor" Sarada introduced and explained. Her body language was relaxed and non threatening. Bulma followed her example. Sarada had more experience when it came to traveling planets and Bulma trust that she handle the situation.

"And what favor is that? "

"We'd like to use you dragon balls, if you'll allow us"

The Namekians were still wary. They didn't get visitors often and they knew there were a lot of bad guys out there. They couldn't just trust a stranger no matter how friendly they are.

"What do you plan on doing with them? "

Sarada sighed. "I lost my father some years ago and I would like to bring him back"

"How do you know of the dragon balls"

"We have a Namekian residing on our planet. He had created his own dragon balls,but they are not powerful enough to grant my wish, so here I am"

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