Chapter 56

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Bulma shifted a bit uncomfortablly as she virtually felt violet eyes roam her entire form. Whis stood tall and opposing in front of her, his eyes taking in everything. He was scrutinizing her and she felt like her worth was being judged. Slowly he started to move, circling her. His eyes were trained on her as he did. How long had he already been doing this? Bulma would estimate around five minutes at most. It doesn't seem that long when she thought about it, but it was very uncomfortable. Being stared at for such a long time should make anyone uncomfortable. Even Sarada was uncomfortable for her.

She was just a small distance away, watching Whis watch Bulma. She didn't understand the point of what he was doing, but let it be. He must be thinking on ways to train her. Maybe he would make her train differentiate from that of her own.

"Do you know the power you could hold? "He questioned as he came to a halt before Bulma. A brow was quirked just slightly as he awaited an answer. Curious creatures. A human who was turned a saiyan by a saiyan. Whis questioned this ability of Sarada. It was strange. An ability he had not heard of. He would have to ask her about it later. At the moment he was focused on the earthling genius before him.

Bulma thought the question over, not sure if she knew the answer. Whis did say she had angelic potential, so would that mean she could become as strong as one. As she lingered on that thought she looked up at the ever passive Whis.

"I see you've come to the answer" Whis smiled an unreadable smile. He did not need her to answer for the look on her face was answer enough. "Yes, you have the potential to rival an angel in power"

Oh. Sarada stared at Bulma in thought and wonder. What a discovery. She had theorized this, of course. However it is different to hear it coming from an actual Angel. It was an amazing discovery alright. One that had her smiling in joy for the other while also being seriously apprehensive. She dearly hoped that potential does not make her a target for the Omni king and grand priest. She didn't know any creatures on the level of the Angels. She was very caught up with super, having her interface pull up the anime and manga for her. The angels are always supreme, with creatures such as Jiren and Moro not reaching their levels. So having to find out that her wife could reach that once thought untouchable level of power obviously brought many emotions.

She'd really have to train her ass off just in case someone decides to come after her because of this. Zamasu would be a prime suspect. He and his hatred for mortals.

Sarada continued to stare at Whis and Bulma. They talked, but she was not listening to the words being exchanged. Things were seriously messed up and she needed to really think about it all. She upset the entire original plot. Of course that happened the very day she was conceived. However, things were mostly  following the plot of the dragon ball she had watched. Whis popping up before Vegeta even shows was a major change in plot. The amount of things this could change.  When Raditz and Vegeta show up they wont know what hit them. As it was currently her entire family outclassed the all mighty prince. Lotus was a very ambitious and busy child and tended to train with her and Bulma very often. Her power level quickly climbed the ranks and she was around two or three times stronger than saiyan arc Vegeta.Okay not really, but she most likely will be when the time comes. To think a five year old could outclass him. He would blow a massive fuse.

She almost laughed at that.

A sigh left her the longer she thought about Vegeta. She wasn't a fan of him and at the same time she didn't necessarily hate him. Her low tolerance for him has mostly to do with the fact that she personally knew him and had to deal with his arrogant, prideful, cocky self. It was frustrating. He was constantly looking down on her for being a lower class saiyan even though she was always almost matching him in power. She had made sure to never surpass him. She didn't want the king on her back anymore than he already  was. It is why her power level didn't differ much from the day of birth. Everyone knew Vegeta was a prideful bastard and the likes. She knew. She watched him in the anime and didn't like that part of him either. But like most dragon ball watchers she started to love it. However, having known him personally she definitely has a very strong dislike towards him. Especially because of certain comments he made. He would often comment about making her his queen.

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