Chapter 28

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It had been a full day. Kami was staring at the door to the time chamber. Sarada had spent a full day in there. That's the equivalent to a year. Kami didn't know if the child was even alive in there. He had never met someone who spend more than a week in there on their own, and this child just came and did it? He was a bit skeptical. So he was staring. She would have to come out soon, if she was still alive and sane.

"Do you think she's alright? "Mr. Popo asked as he watered the plants. Kami didn't respond, he didn't know.

"There's something about her. I don't know what it is but it's odd"

He was getting a feeling from her. It wasn't a bad one. It just felt like she wasn't supposed to be there or something around those lines. How does she know so much? How strong was she? He had questions he was going to ask and hopefully she answers them. Other than that he had no problem with her, surprisingly. She was a kind person. He couldn't feel any malicious intent coming from her and she was genuine with everything she said.

"The door opened" Mr. Popo pointed out when the door to the chamber cracked open.

Kami's attention was immediately directed to the door. Everything was silent as he waited to see if the girl would emerge.

She did.

She stepped out and the first thing she did was take a big gulp of air. She let out a long exhale and stretched happily.

"I'm back. I'm sane and alive " she announced as she started heading towards the old Namekian. She was feeling very good. She was stronger and most importantly she was out of there. She doubt she'll ever spend a year in there by herself ever again. She learned that she is not the loner type. She likes to be around her friends and family. Now that she was out she was heading straight home. She would give her mother and Panchy the biggest hug. Eat their delicious food, go see the old scientist, have a little chat and go check on Bulma. After that she might go see how Kakarot was doing in his training.

"Hey Kami. Thanks again for letting me use the chamber. I got a massive power boost " Sarada said as she bussied herself with stretches. Her power had climbed incredibly fast. She didn't expect to grow so much. Then again she did spend a full year doing nothing but training. She was now at the amazing level of 65800 with 36000 stored away. She loved those numbers.

Kami was impressed. She actually survived one year in the chamber. She came out completely sane and unaffected. She said she had grown in power and was clearly hiding it because he could sense the same amount coming from her.

"You actually survived. You're the first person to spend a complete year on your own"

"Am I? " she asked as she finished her stretches. It was just a useless question. She knew she was.

"Yes" Kami nodded as he watched her fall into push ups. She seemed determined to keep herself busy. "I would like to question you about your knowledge again"

Sarada looked up at the serious Namekian. She then returned her attention to the ground. Should she tell him? She had a feeling other more high ranking creatures might know about her. King Yemma, for example. He was in charge of reincarnating souls and what not. She had a feeling he knew of her. She also had a very strong feeling that she might have some bad karma with the guy for that very reason. The other guys in the other world could all know of her. The Kais. The supreme Kais. Every single deity that was supposed to exist. If they knew then Whis knew. And if he knew then the only thing keeping her alive at the moment is the fact that Beerus is asleep and shall remain that way for a couple more years.

So if she told Kami, maybe he could help her out when the time came. It's good to have someone put in a good word for you. He seems to like her, somewhat. And she definitely proved herself.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz