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About 20 minutes of maths had passed, I wasn't really paying attention and I could tell Y/f wasn't either, her head was slumped down on her book and she would look up every now and then just so the teacher would think she was paying attention.

Mrs.Peters was on about finding X or something I wasn't really sure what was going on it was nearly the end of the lesson that I started to pack up until a extremelyy loud announcement rung through the school hallways "this isnt a drill. This isnt a drill. Leave school premises immediately. Leave school premises immediately." We had been told about this waring before but in the 3 and a half years I've been here it was never once used ( your in year 8 / 7th grade and 13) half the class turned into sheer panic and the other half were cheering packing their stuff and running out the door for a early finish. The cheering soon turned into screaming once they seen what was outside.

People ? But they weren't, they were strange looking cannibals. My heart dropped and I soon felt my self running not knowing where to go. They sounded like dogs. Like animals? They had a white tint to there eye. But let's forget what they look like, they where eating people. I seen my class mates crying and screaming as some ran for there life and some got caught by those things. Skin being ripped straight of the bone. Pure chaos echoed across the school. WHAT WAS HAPPENING?! I seen Y/f standing at the maths doorway, she was one of the last out of the class and looked more confused than me.

One of those things was beside her but she was to dazzed and delusional to notice I was screaming trying to warn her 'Y/F NEXT TO YOU Y/F Y/F' I was screaming louder than I had ever screamed before my throat was sore, I seen the thing get closer to her and then realised there was one next to me I was too busy trying to get Y/f attention to notice. My screaming must of attracted one over I grabbed a text book that was lying on the ground and smashed it against the cannibals face I then debated if I should try getting to Y/f or run.

I ran

I knew it was wrong but I ran and ran faster than I had ever ran before adrenaline was rushing through me and it was getting hard to breathe I knocked people out of the way and soon got out of the school gates onto the main street. They were every where. There where dozens of people getting into cars trying to drive away but that was a stupid idea. Hundreds of other were trying the same and caused a blockage on the street trapping them in. The cannibals where scratching at the window I could here babies crying. Babies. If I had to explain what a heart break was I would explain this exact moments I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest leaving a empty hole. There was a screaming crying baby in its car seat with no parents or anyone in sight so I did what I had to and picked it up. I couldn't leave it that would be inhumane. It was a baby girl judging by the pink bow in her very few hairs I was running home as fast as I could with this baby wrapped in my arms.

After about 5 minutes of continuous running I collapsed on my door step. It was a suburban area with only about 15 houses meaning only about 40-50 people. There wasn't a cannibal in sight I let out a sigh of relief trying to process what just happened in the last half hour of my life, everyone knew what was happening and looked like they where all in the same situation as me. Either running home from work or school sweating, out of breath and on the edge of having a heart attack. I seen my neighbour James trying to start up his car, my parent and James where good friends and James had a little girl about my age called Konnie. She didn't talk much she always hid behind her dad when she seen me, she must of been about 10 or 11. 'JAMES' I shouted, he didn't hear me 'JAMES ITS USELESS ONCE YOU GET OUT THE AREA THERE ARE TRAFFIC JAMS FOR MILES'  he heard me this time and threw his keys on the floor and leaned against his car starting to cry.

He slowly fell down the door until he was on the floor sobbing into his knees. I made my way across my garden and into his drive way still holding the baby I had found earlier. He looked up and I gave him a reassuring look. I then realised. SHIT ! WHERE ARE MY PARENTS? I quickly turned to James and said 'Im sorry ill be a few minutes i need to check if my parents are in the house can you hold her for me ?' before he could answer I had put the baby in his arms "oh- um- sure okay!" I heard him say as I rushed through the front door. It was unlocked. 'MOMMMM, DADDDD' there was no reply. I tried again. 'MOMMM, DADDDDD' I started to panic and felt myself crying I quickly wiped the tears of my face and searched the entire house. One room left, my room. My room was the only room on the 3rd floor and it was surrounded by the attic walls so it was probably the saftest room in the house. I took a huge breath and hoped and prayed I would see my family in there safe. I reached for the handle my hands shaking as I did so. I opened the door.

Date: 6th November 2020
OoH cliff hanger 😎

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon