Getting adjusted.

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Y/fs pov :

Alots happened since my unbearable torture. Grated things are better now but I still have ideas of escaping this shit hole, I've been set up in a new room, a more humain one that was decently clean and didn't make me want to rip my own eyes out at the blindingly white colour. They told me I had passed the "newcomers test"

5 weeks of torture to see if you where strong enough to be part of the community. This included being drugged, isolated, starved and restricted movement. I thought it was a strange way to invite new recruits as this would just push them even more to find a way to escape but recently I found out they didn't do it to everyone

They did it to the prisoners, people who where a threat to the community they and had to elimate without killing them.

My room was small and dirty and one of many but it was better than the shit holes I had recently been put in, it was about 6ft by 6ft with a unstable bunk bed in the corner with a pathetic window pushed up right to the ceiling that was only about 10cm and was far to dirty to see through anyway. The only use I got out of it was telling if it was night or day. There was a rickety side table at the feet of my bunk bed right next to the door and that was it.
I was sleeping on the top bunk as it felt safer than being easily in reach of the door, which you would be if you where sleeping on the bottom.

Every now and then the locked door would open and either the tall man who apologised for injecting me, Anthony, or the pristine petite woman would put down a tray of food on the table next to the door. To keep me entertained I would be provided with a new book every 2 days it seemed, I've been in here for 4 days. I wasn't aloud to leave my room unless it was for the bathroom, I was aloud a supervised shower every 3 days at 12 o'clock. The big man (Anthony) would escort me to the communal bathrooms.

And at 12 every day he would come again to take me to the toilets and to get a bit of fresh air. He didn't talk much but he did tell me he wasn't suppost to let me out of the building so this fresh air was a privilege. He seemed kind, he would smile while delivering my food and leave a treat of some sort which the woman wouldn't.


I was woken by the screams of the woman next door which would happen at around 6 o'clock every morning. I've assumed that we went through the same torture but she didn't handle it as well. I jumped of the top bunk and opened the draw from the table getting my book, today I would be given a new one so I had only a few hours to finish.

I sighed and opened to page 224 of 456
and started to read....

6 hours later

I only had 4 pages left when the door opened, must be 12:00. It was Anthony and he placed down my tray of food along with a new book, when he came closer to me to get my current book I hesitated but pulled away and asked

'five more minutes.. please I only have 4 pages left'

He nodded then proceeded to escort me to the bathroom but it wasn't shower day yet, that was tomorrow. When we got back Anthony left me to it and I quickly finished my book placing it on the table for his return before eating then finally dived into my food not even stopping to breathe from how hungry i was. Today's meal consists of : a shitty sandwich with almost molding bread with a single slab of ham stuck in the middle, Water in a dirty cup and a  biscuit courtesy of Anthony. The woman never gave me extra food

I finished the sandwich and left the biscuit for later knowing I would regret it if I ate it now. Today's book wasn't exactly a book but a gun manual which was strange considering I was normally provided with novels such as the Great Gatsby, Pride and prejudice or other famous books. I flipped through the manual

•picking your gun
•safety and handling
•Building your gun
•Using your gun

I scanned over the content a few times before finally noticing a peice of paper wedged between the pages about 10 pages from the back of the book. It was a note. A note that read

"Don't sleep tonight, I'll be with you at 4am"

Ominous I'll give them that. Who would be with me ? Why ? Was it Anthony ? Or the woman. Or even Milo himself ?
And why was it delivered so discrete, and why in a gun manual? Would I need to use a gun soon ? Question after question was running through my head but I decided to remain calm and try my best not to think about it until the time came or else I would drive myself crazy.

Hours passed which felt like days. My anticipation for 4am to come was unexplainable. I tried my best to forget it but couldn't. I had already made my way through the manual, it was only 50 pages or so and I already knew eveything in there. The sun was setting and i could tell I was getting closer and closer. I sat down on the bottom bunk and finally ate my biscuit. I was glad I saved it because my stomach was starting to make unsettling sounds.

Despite the notes only instructions to "stay awake" I thought that mabye shutting my eyes would make time go faster... I lay my head against the flat pillow thinking of what was to come until I finally... fell... asleep.

Time skip

I was shocked awake by the sound of fists clashing against my door, watching it shake I slowing got out of my bed and walked over to the door. I feared what was behind it but curiosity over powered me. Plus I knew I wouldn't be aloud to go back to sleep If I didn't open the door.

My arm reached for the handle but before I could open it, it was opened for me and the owner of the note stood tall infront of me.

Date : August 31th 2021

Huge apologies for the slow updates 🥴

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