You're mine now.

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Y/fs pov :

She terrified me. Not as much as the man who had injected me but there was something about her which ran a shiver down my spine. I could easily take her in a fight, she was tiny but the pristine posture and clothes told me she wasn't used to this world.

Where are her scars ? The man was covered in them, even missing a tooth ! No one can survive in a apocalypse this long and not have anything to show for it. And yes Alexandria has or should I say had showers but I was never as clean as her. I didn't like it.

"I'm sure you've been wondering where you are and why your here. Well I can't tell you the first thing but I can tell you the 2nd. Y/f you arnt leaving here. You're one of us now whether you like it or not."

I didn't like being told what to do.

"Bullshit." I spat at her.

She let out a sigh and shaked her head.

"Anthony come in here please"

Big footsteps made its way to the door and the woman opened it allowing the man from earlier in. He barely fit through the door way, now I regret what I said HE truly terrified me.

"Anthony teach her that disobedience is not tolerated"

Shit shit shit . What was he going to do ? He could kill me in seconds!
He trudged over to me and raised his enormous arms. His hand flew towards my face but just before they made contact I could hear a quiet "I'm sorry" from under his breathe

Time skip

I woke up a few hours or so later with a pounding in my skull which makes it way through my body with every throb.
My location hasn't changed much to my suprise but the woman is still there watching over me much to my disappointment. The man's gone though and now I'm wondering what his motives are, is he good is he bad ? I mean he did apologise after all but he also did oblige ?

Anyway, the woman has pulled up a chair to the corner of the room and is furiously scribbling on her notepad, so much so that every 10 seconds the led snaps and she has to re sharpen or even throw away her pencil. There is a pile of 20 or more pencil ends besides her of all different colours but mainly black and red. I try standing up as much as I can and lean forwards at the same time whilst strapped to my chair to see what she was drawing or writing.

I couldn't get high enough but even if I could it didn't matter I had made a struggling sound which immediately alerted her of my presence. She hugged her note pad and brought it to her chest hiding it from my sight and stood up coming over to me. She stood above me and examined me, turning my head side to side up and down with her ghostly pale hands.

I had the urge to bite her just to make a point but thought better of it since last time my disrespect didn't go down so well. Once she was done prodding my face she opened the door and two men walked in. Neither I had seen before

Once was about 18 just a bit older than me and the other was similar to Anthony, extremely large and intimating although I have a feeling he isn't a friendly as Anthony. But you never know.

The kid had bleach blonde hair so blindingly blonde I was questioning if it was even natural. It was also short, close to a buzz cut. He had piercing green eyes and carmel smooth yet patchy skin with splashes of blood up his arms. The worrying part was I couldnt tell if this was human or walker blood.

There was something strange about him, the unusual eye hair and skin combination, his build, he looked so young yet so old. I coudnt take my eyes of him it was like a trap entrancing me.
A poisonous snake bringing me in.

He brought a knife out of his pocket so smoothly I didn't have time to process it because next thing I knew it was at my throat. This just made him even more complex. I could normally read people and get a good grip of there personality just by the look of them and by there clothes but him? It was impossible. He was mysterious. I didnt like it. It made me nervous.

He leant down to my level and put his head next to my ear talking into it, his voice smooth and whispey "Listen here, your in Saint Milos and im Milo. Now you belong here. You won't leave and any attempt to leave will end in suffering. You will work for us, you will fight for us and you will learn to live with us whether you like it or not. You do not have a choice. Want someone to blame ? Blame your little friend who stole our guns and killed our doctor. Y/n  I belive her name is. We've been watching you and its come to my attention you two are friends if not best friends. You will kill her for me"

His voice was steady and calming but the words coming out of it where not. I was almost close to agreeing with him until the intrustuctions fully sunk in. He was so effortlessly manipulative.

Live here forever? I don't think so

Work for them ? Never

Kill my best friend ? I would die before I caused her pain

I hesitated to talk back to him but like I said before. I did not like being told what to do. But I was struggling for words it was like he had his hands around my neck preventing me from disobeying. I all of a sudden became extremely claustrophobic and did not like how close he was to me.

So I let my actions speak instead of my mouth. I leant my head back getting as much force as I could and butted him right in the face causing him to stumble back. I felt my brain hit against the side of my skull and felt as if I was about to pass out, but I knew it caused him more pain than it did me. I smirked knowing it would leave a visable mark on his face which would effect him in some sort of way.

Whether it was his vanity or power I did not care as long as it hurt his massive ego.

"Fucking little bitch" he muttered holding his head in his palm. I think I gave him a black eye.

He left the room with his little or should I say huge minion following him and the woman remained in her chair shocked at my bravery. I smirked once again proud of my self before the two men came back in my expression dropping cold. The boy pointed at the woman and the huge body guard dragged her by the collar basically throwing her out the room.

Everyone left and I was alone again, I noticed the note pad on the floor, she must of dropped it when she was dragged out the room. It was close enough to my foot to flip it over and see what she was scribbling down. I scooted as far on my seat as I could and just managed to get my feet either side of the note pad squeezing them together flipping it on its side then over again to the other side.

It was a drawing.

It was so dark and went through at least 10 pages with the force of each line.

It was the boy, Milo. His perfectly sculpted face and body it was unmistakable. But there where needles attached to him. And knifes. And ropes. And other various weapons.

He was being tortured, I scanned the page and in the bottom left was another person causing this. It... was me

My hair my eyes my features where all perfect. It was like a photo

It was a drawing of me... torturing Milo.

Date : June 27th 2021

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