New faces.

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I felt like everything was in slow motion. The way I was practically running for my life to that exit door as the walls around me crumbled. The door swung open almost perfectly for my escape until the wall above it came down trapping me. I was surrounded by broken bits of brick and cement forming a circle around me, if the ceiling above decided to cave in it would kill me in a slow agonizing death.

I ran around the small area I had looking for nooks to claw at seeing the ceiling above me curve. I started screaming and banging against the rubble giving up but just as the ceiling started to fall a hammer made it's way through creating a hole behind me. I fell backwards rolling down the gravel tearing apart my back and fracturing my shoulder but it was better than being crushed. The immense pain and lack of oxygen was making me woozy so I couldn't exactly identify the faces or voices around me. I was placed onto a carriage where I'm almost certain Rosita was opposite me. I let my self drift away while mysterious people tended to my wounds.

*hours later*

I was starting to wake up adjusting to my surroundings. Still in a horse drawn carriage with Rosita besides me. My back had been patched up and a bandage was wrapped around my entire torso and I even had a sling for my fractured (well I hope just fractured) arm.

I sit up properly and seen a girl my age red hair in the carriage with me. I instantly went into self defence mode and grabbed the knife in my side pocket and she came over big smile on her face pushing down my good arm

"Cmon now you want a good first impression dont you ? I know it's strange waking up with a bunch of strangers when your all hacked up with cuts and bruises but we're good people, we're all kids here as well so surely that should make you feel a bit better?"

I bit my bleeding lip fidgeting and putting the knife back looking around better. Clementine, I let out a sigh of relief and continued looking around. A boy with a large trench coat was sitting next to Clementine at the front controlling the horses. And the ginger girl who presumably bandaged me up was with another girl who seemed to be missing a eye or blind in some way was in the back with me and Rosita.


"No need to be so demanding. We are saving you and your friends life but if your gonna pull knives and-"

"Violet enough" Clementine intrupped the other girl.

"Sorry about violet she gets a little pissed when people are rude, but in my opinion your not rude your smart just like me" Clementine smirked at the end, the boy at the front nudging her in a jokingly way

"As you know I'm Clementine and this idiot next to me is Louis, the ginger down there is Ruby and temper is Violet. Now you know"

'Okay, now I know I'm y/n and that's Rosita' I said taking a deep breathe and putting forward my hand which both Violet and Ruby went for which was quite funny. 'How is she, Rosita'

Ruby stood up walking towards what seemed to be a medical bag and grabber a soaked cloth replacing it with the other cloth on Rositas forehead
"Well I would like to say shes fine but she has one hell of a concussion and that leg.. that leg is not getting fixed y/n either we amputate her or shes gonna be dragging dead weight around her entire life. I would prefer she makes that decision before we go cutting of limbs"

'Shit' I mumbler under my breathe scooting along to Rosita attempting to wake her up, she was out cold.

'Try again later, we are going to Hilltop right ? What's taking so long'

"Ran into a group of monsters, had to find a better route" Violet said. At first I was sceptical, a new group taking me and my ingured friend on an unfamiliar route? I decided to trust Clementine and came to the decision that if they wanted to kill me they would of already done it. Plus I was to scraped up to fight so making this new group hate me would be dumb

'Monsters ? Is that what you call them?'

"Yea I mean it makes sense dun-in ?" Ruby replied

I nodded my heart and then got distracted by Rosita's groans 'ROSITA!' I yelled hopefully then crawled over to her holding her arm as she tiresomely opened her eyes and winced in pain everytime she moved 'Its okay just stay put we will get you fixed up soon we're on the way to Kindgom, the girl in the front with the hat is Clementine and the boy next to her is louis, ginger one there is Ruby and blondie is Violet they seem like okay people' Rosita smiled but groaned once again after we went over a bump in the road "sorry my fault!" Louis shouted

About 10 minutes later we arrived at Hilltop with familiar faces rushing over the me, tending to Rosita and interrogating my new friends. I lept out the cart despite my injuries and jumped into the arms of my family thankful they survived they brutal attacks

Everyone was here, Rick , Michonne , Carol , Daryl , Maggie

After I had hugged eveyone I looked around the crowd for the missing people standing ontop of the truck Clementine brought me here with.


I jumped back onto the floor running up to Rick frantically yelling 'WHERES ROSE AND CARL AND Y/F' he put his hands on my shoulders and kneeled down

"I don't know about y/f but last thing I saw was Carl carrying Rose in Alexandria I couldnt find him and it was getting dark. I'm worried too but Carl can handle himself im sure he has a gun and that boy would do anything to protect Rose and anything to get back to you. We just have to trust him"

Even though Ricks words where slightly comforting it didnt stop the tears welling In my eyes, I turned to Maggie my voice slightly broken 'Tara Enid Gabriel ?'

She shook her head tears also forming in her eyes.

"Tara.. shes missing but Enid and Gabriel.. they didnt make it y/n"

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