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"Y/n answer the door its Eugene"
Knock knock knock knock knock
"Y/n..y/n hello?"

My head was spinning, I woke up in a cold sweat to the irritating sound of repeated door knocks. Every knock made my head pound 10x harder

I crawled of the couch as best I could looking at the clock


'Ugh this better be good Eugene' I slumped over to the door, the knocks still continuing over and over despite my efforts to tell him I was coming, i turned the door handle my fingers growing weak at the easy task. Eugene stood on the other side with that worried anxious look gripping a sheet of paper and small container with my pills inside.

"May I come in?" Before I could answer he was already sitting at my table spreading out his roll of paper

'Sure Eugene let me just wake up Carl and Daryl' I sarcasticly said to myself slamming the door shut which woke the two up instantly

We where all sitting at the table now half asleep while Eugene talked sciencey stuff that even when I was fully engaged I still couldn't understand

"In conclusion I think I know what's wrong"

I snapped out of my sleepy trance sitting up straight removing my hand from my cheek staring straight into Eugene's eyes. Carl and Daryl had also been awoken and we all stared our jaws slightly ajar

'Wait wait Eugene did you just say you know what's wrong' a smile and glimpses of hope started to spread across my face but I kept it to a minimum trying not to get my hopes up

"Well I think so and if my calculations are correct I could cure you almost instantly with a few experimental tests first"

'Yea yea skip to the important basic stuff Eugene' my smile started to grow bigger and I was on the edge of my seat getting ready to dance around the room

"Well to keep it short and sweet,its the pills. Before I left last night I picked up two pills from the ground, one from each bottle. Once I got home I cut them up until they where fine powder examining them extremely close. There the same, what ever dr Carlyle said was wrong, this pills are the spittin' image of each other but the down side is I have little to no idea what they are exactly"

I wasn't sure how to feel. On one hand I knew the pills weren't any good and if I stop taking them that would potentially cure me but on the other, there was alot of un-answered questions...

While I ran through everything in my mind i heard the front door slam and Daryl missing

"Oh no" all three of us said rushing straight out the door chasing after Daryl. I was falling behind and Eugene helped me walk along while Carl sprinted ahead grabbing Daryls arm but without enough force, he loaded his cross bow and kicked down the door to Dr Carlyles offices

By the time I reached the room Alex was quivering in fear trapped in the corner while Daryl stood above him with a arrow in his face and a finger on the trigger as Carl yelled at him to stop


He was inches away from the trigger before I leaped over and tugged the crossbow out of his hand the arrow flying just above Alex's head. I stopped to catch my breathe and Daryl sat in the doctors chair with a raging look on his face

'Right okay Carlyle what are you playing at? I just saved your life but if I find out your playing some sick game I may not be so sparing.'

Tara rushed through the hall practically sliding into the the room frantically "DOCTOR DOC- Woah what the fuck happened here this place is a mess" she stopped her over the top yells and examined the room, shelves tipped over,medicine on the ground,beds spun on there side and a shaking man in the corner

"I'll tell you what happened, this insane lunatic Is poisoning y/n" Daryl huffed still angry that I took his cross bow

Tara's face grew concerned. She started to slowly tell us why she was here in the first place " Oh wow, um I came down here to tell yall that nearly the whole of Alexandria is sick. Everyone is sitting over buckets faces grey as anything"

We all turned to Alex, he stood up shaking of the tools that had landed on him when Daryl knocked over a shelf

"Listen guys, I didnt do any of this! I have good intentions only I would never set out to hurt people" his voice was shaky and nervous. I could tell he was lying

'Bullshit. Why are all these pills the same shape smell and colour then? What have you been giving-' my radio started to shake and the light lit up green

"Hello y/n it Sasha shes sick. Can you bring Dr Carlyle up to Hilltop ?" Maggie spoke through

I debated replying but finally picked it up still pointing the crossbow at Alex 'Hey Maggie how bad is it I'm kinda in the middle of something can it wait?'

"No she could die any minute"

I groaned not knowing what to do, I forcefully picked him up by the collar and dragged him outside 'I'm going to take you to Hilltop and you will fix Sasha and dont try any funny shit because I'll be rounding up all the other doctors to watch you'

I threw him into the back seat of my car and tied him up then strapping his seat belt in place 'Carl get your dad and tell him to get the three other doctors up to Hilltop Daryl your coming with me and Eugene go do some research on those pills please tell me if you figure out what they are'

I got into the drivers seat Daryl in the passengers handing back the cross bow 'We're coming up now Maggie just tell Sasha to hold on over. Hey Daryl watch him make sure he doesnt try anything'

We had just arrived at Hilltop, Rick Carl Tara and the doctors close behind. I was currently rushing up the road Daryl dragging Alex behind me.

I burst through the town hall doors rushing up the stairs and opening the door with Sasha lying on a bed unresponsive and Maggie kneeling next to her deathly pale looking up at me with red eyes.

'Oh God...'

Date : 7th March 2021

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