Jayden's POV

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"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, watching Trixie load a bullet into the what I thought was a sedation gun. Turns out, it was your average run-out-of-the-mill pistol.

And she had it aimed directly at my face.

"This is simply a trust test," Trixie said cheerfully, tensing her finger on the trigger. I held in the urge to get the heck out of the hallway, though my grip on this was slowly slipping.

"If you trust me enough, you'll stay still, since you'll know that I won't shoot you. If you don't trust me, then feel free to run away like a coward. I won't shoot you. The only loss you'll suffer is not being able to be my spy partner."

I steadied my breathing, trying to calm down. This was a test. She wasn't going to blast my brain out. I was going to live.

The logical side of me wanted to run away- if Trixie was a secret SPYDER agent, that would be the wisest decision. But the other side of me... well, it wanted me to stay back and see what happened. After all, the girl had a sick bunker.

Trixie steadied her aim, closing one eye and moving her arms to face directly at me. It looked too much like she was going to shoot- and my body tensed up.

Suddenly, her finger pressed against the trigger, and the sound that I knew too well echoed through the hallway. A million thoughts raced through my mind, and I braced for my death.

God, or any holy spirit, if you're real, then let me confess some things that I need to get out of my head- it was me who purposefully clogged the toilets in third grade. 

Nothing happened, so I kept confessing, despite myself.

And I snuck into a closet with Charlotte and made out with her when I was supposed to be in History of Spying. Also, my guilty pleasure is-

Hold up. If I had time to think all of that, then why hadn't the bullet pierced my head yet? How the heck was I still alive?

I looked up to find Trixie with the biggest smile on her face I've seen since I met her.

"Wow... you trust me," she said, lifting up her gun, a look of wonder in her eyes. "You actually trust me from the depths of your heart."

"I- you didn't shoot me?" I said, heart still pounding against my chest. "But you loaded the gun! The fact that a bullet didn't come out is just..."

"Jayden," she said, picking up my hand from the ground and facing me. "You're the first person to pass that trust test."

"So... I'm the chosen one," I said, laughing weakly at my own joke and watching as Trixie slowly closed the distance between us- though the look in her eyes was wonder, not hunger for romance. 

"Please, Trixie- not so close!" I said, pushing her away.

Trixie released her grip from my hand and huffed a breath. "Fine," she said. "But Jayden, I'm going to say this- I'm proud of you."

"Okay? Will we just get onto the rest of the tour?" I said in impatience. "I'm getting bored."

"Yes, you're bored after being held at gunpoint for two minutes," a voice suddenly echoed through the hallway. Trixie perked up, then a slow smile spread across her face.

A girl suddenly burst out of the darkness from the edge of the hall- about Trixie's age, with the same athletic body, but she had a wild edge built into her face. Immediately I assumed she was Trixie's friend, since all of her friends were probably dangerous.

A long- and by long, I mean long- flow of hair flew from behind her, and she ran over to us. At first, I thought she was going to body-slam me, but she tackled Trixie in a bear hug. I backed away into a wall, trying to stay out of this. If it was becoming a group hug, then I'm out.

It was only now I could get a close look at her, since she was right next to me.

She had light, smooth skin, brown eyes stuck out like lights in pure darkness, and looks like a model. Gosh- why did every girl I meet have to look like they were born from Hollywood stars? I didn't know about me, but I seemed like the only one who didn't attract too much attention.

Trixie noticed my confused look and immediately started talking. 

"I'll introduce you two the Trixie way," she said after a moment of looking between us. The new girl immediately backed away, shaking her head no. Trixie pulled her back towards her original spot and smiled.

"Um- what's the Trixie way of introducing people?" I said, looking at the face of the new girl, which was full of fear.

"You don't want to know," she said after a moment's pause. "Please, Trixie, n-"

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