The List Reveal

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The number one on my list was the one and only Erica Hale.

I didn't know to either show her this or keep it a secret. Knowing that my room was bugged, she probably knew about it already, but I bet this was one of the only things that could affect her nonchanging emotion.

Still, it surprised me that this incredibly talented spy who was older than me got placed for number one on my list.

But something was nagging in the back of my mind... something that told me someone had set this up on purpose.

A small idea formed in my noggin. What if the CIA had done this pairing on purpose, knowing I would choose Erica (if somehow I actually managed to convince her to go) and since we would be together during the ball, then maybe this was actually a setup for a top-secret mission?

Maybe they would drag us together, wait for a moment of weakness, then pull us out of the ball unexpectedly and bring us to one of the MI6 headquarters in Britain. Maybe this was all just a setup planned by the CIA.

In my mind, I was secretly hoping that it wasn't, and Erica and I were meant to be, but the logical side of my mind knew that this was highly unlikely. 

But still, hey, why be the pessimist when you can go to a banquet with Erica? That's probably a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Now the only step I have left to do is to somehow convince her to go.

Suddenly, a knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Quickly, I stuffed the list away into a secret compartment attached under my bed and flung the door open.

There stood Erica Hale, giving me a look that I knew too well.

"I'm well aware that I was the first person on your list," she said, closing the door behind her as she let herself in. "And yes, as you are probably thinking, this was set up by the CIA."

I sighed. Of course. With the confirmation that we weren't meant to be, I could finally assure that I was still far away from a relationship with Erica- and will probably never get closer to one.

"So... are you going to the ball or not, seeing that decision?" I said. If the CIA told her to do something, she usually would do it, because not following orders could result in a black mark on your report, in which is something you do not want.

"Unfortunately, yes." she sighed. "It's not like I wanted to go anyways. As I said, relationships mess up our spying ability. Having you dance with me will basically short-circuit all of your math skills."

"No!" I said, blushing, not ready to believe this.

"Then why," she said, pushing her face near mine so that I could feel her hot breath wafting onto my nose, "when I do this, you get incredibly flustered?"

"I- no!" I said, pulling away.

"What's forty-seven times nine-hundred eighty-two?" she asked immediately.

"I- um," I tried to focus on the numbers in my head, but they were too blocked up by the image of Erica being close to my face. "I-ahh! I can't do it!"

"My point exactly," she said.

I groaned, surrendering the battle. Yes, I admit that my skills would be weakened during these moments, but I forced myself not to do it again during the dance.

Suddenly, Zoe burst in. "Get your list and meet me in the hallway," she said, then promptly exited the room a second later.

Erica followed close behind.

I ran over to my compartment, tapped in a security key, and grabbed the list out of the little secret area. Walking out of my room, I quickly locked it and caught up with Zoe and Erica.

"It's time for the list reveal," she said when she saw me, then gave me a suspicious look. "What were you doing with Ice Queen in your room?" 

"Nothing," I said quickly. Zoe could tell that this was clearly a dodge, but she didn't press further.

Erica left to her room, which left Zoe and Me alone. 

"Who was number one on your list?" Zoe asked. 

"Not now," I said. God, if I was this nervous in front of Zoe talking about my list, I couldn't even imagine doing it in front of my friends.

We arrived at the entrance of the box, where Mike, Chip, Jawa, and a few others were waiting.

They are were shuffling their feat, clearly very nervous about the list business. I joined them in staring at their shoes and waiting for the others to arrive. 

"Just how much people are there going to be?" I whispered to Zoe.

"Lots." she just said, then turned away.

I sighed. This was going to be a long, long and embarrassing event.

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