41. Jake's POV friends

Start from the beginning

"And which jerk, doesn't protect the girl he loves?" I want to scream it out, scream out the pain for having done so wrong.

"Honestly Jake, I guess in your situation I would have done the same thing. And I guess I would hate myself just as much as you are now. The only thing you should have done different, you should have told her the full story when you were fighting for her to come back. Finding out all of this shit in this kind of way, is the worst thing that could have happened. And she obviously doesn't know the full story, only the bits she heard today during the argument."

"And now I might never have the chance to tell her the full story. She might die believing that every single person around her, who have known her from small kid onwards have betrayed her."

"She's not going to die."

"You saw what I saw, right?" It's nearly impossible to keep the quivering out of my voice just thinking about what happened in front of our eyes.

"Yes and I know the attitude of this girl, she'll probably even tell death to fuck off. She's too stubborn to die", how can we be chuckling right now in this situation? "I tell you, if there's a skateboard in the world in between, she'd probably even challenge death for a game. And if he isn't willing to go along she'll smash the board into his face and tell him he's a pussy and can fuck off."

Oh my god, I can even fucking picture this. Yes that would be my Sam, if anything like that was possible she'd do exactly that.

"Thanks mate, you're the first person I have ever told all this shit."

"Well you know which other person you need to talk to about all of this too." I nod, but not knowing if I will ever even have the chance. Even if she does make it through all of this, will she ever even talk to me again?

Emi enters the waiting area, she came here with a cab. Her eyes are all puffed up and red from crying. "How is she?", she bursts out.

"We have no idea, we are waiting and no one is telling us a fucking thing." I ruffle my hair hard in frustration about the lack of knowledge.

She crawls on to the seat next to me, wraps her arms around her legs and starts crying again. Ian who came along, is wrapping his arms around her trying to comfort her.

This is all too fucking much for me. The pictures of her in the car and the way she was lying on the ground, the way they shocked her, everything is hitting me right now and it feels like I am unable to breathe.

I need out of here, right now. No fuck, what if they come? What if they need me and I'm not there? I rush to the other end of the waiting room and start puking into a bin, stood in the corner. A nurse comes running, same as Evans.

"Sir do you need a doctor?", she asks me, but I just keep on puking.

"What he needs, is to know how his girlfriend is doing and if she's still alive." Evans voice sounds strict, the first time I've ever heard him like that.

"Oh you're waiting here for the car crash, right?"

"Yes and for a damn long time without any information."

"I see your friend has some cuts. Was he involved in the car crash himself?"

I have cuts? Never even realized and as I am blood stained from Sam, guess I wouldn't have even seen it.

"No, he was the one who pulled her out of the burning car. So you can imagine he isn't feeling too well at the moment."

"We could take care of his cuts and I can try and see if I can get some information, it's all very hectic back there because of the crash."

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