Time Machine

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Something snapped out on my mind when she said 'TIME MACHINE' and it make me think that I can go back in past to have my life back before Stacey died.

"Did you just say 'Time Machine'?" Gerard snapped out those words which made me think that he's thinking the same as what I'm thinking before. "And did you said that you will do anything?" he continue as his eyes go wider and wider.

"Yeah, I did said that!" the girl said while wiping her tears by her bare hands, "What's your name by the way?" Ray suddenly asked the girl as I nodded in front of the girl and asked the same too.

"I'm Tanya.... Tanya Rochester, can you keep me here? Even just for a while!" Tanya begged again while rubbing her palms with each other. "In one condition?" Gerard asked showing grin smile on his face, I heard Tanya gulped that time, "Then what is it?" she said as she stood up and faced Gerard.

"You'll make another Time Machine! Or else we'll give you to those who chase you!" Gerard smile and put his both arms accross his chest. "What??" She paused as her eyes became wide, "I can't do that here, we will need much time and spend more money just to do it!" Tanya continued while doing actions in her hands.

Gerard take a glare at Tanya, it's funny how Gerard made that glare as if he's really desprate to go back to past. Now I know how he really blame himself about what happened.

I remembered that night where the concert of our favorite band and we're late for it, Gerard is the one who's driving the black car and he drove it really fast. I remembered that Stacey said that it was good to be late than never, but then Gerard never listened and still drove his car so fast, the reason why we fell off at the cliff. That's how Stacey died

"Are you in?" I heared Mikey asked rising his eye brows and waiting for Tanya to reply. "OK then, but I'm telling you that you really need a lot of money to spend for it!" Tanya agreed as I look at her smiling, she smile back at me and it made feel alive.

After that Mikey and Ray leave and continued cleaning the house, "I'm Frank... Frank Iero!" I said but suddenly Gerard interupted me. "You'll start tomorrow! Frank let her know where to sleep!" Gerard ordered me and then leave.

As we walk to go at the guest room, me and Tanya had a bit conversation. "You seems nicer than that red head guy!" she said while I felt warmth on my face, "That red head is Gerard" I explained while smiling at her, "Well nice to meet you Frank!", that words keept in my mind that she's also nice.

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