Breakfast Meeting

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~Gerard's Pov~

Although I've been a bad guy when I saw Tanya, but I need to be friends with her, she seems a nice person.

While Ray is setting the dine, I saw Frank standing at the corner looking at Ray happily, Frank is a nice kid, he's a cheerfull guy, although I always shout at him he still never get mad at me. He's the one who cheer all of us when we're upset, but I always ignore his smiles.

When Mikey and Tanya came, we all sat down at the chairs at the sides of the rectangular table.

And as I served the pancakes I've made, I saw Frank's grin while looking at me, but still I just ignore it. Sorry Frank.

And when I gave Tanya her pancake, she stared a familiar gaze at me, it's the same as Stacey's, "What?" I asked her while my brows are rised.

"I thought you're a bad ass." I was like 'woah!' Did she really said that to me, I didn't mind that as I go back to my seat, "Well I'm Gerard, I guess that's the reason why I'm a bad ass! Well who the heck cares?" I said just to make her shut!

Everybody look at her.

"well I'm Mikey... Mikey Way, Gerard's brother" my brother explained.

"I'm Ray Toro" Ray said as he eat a piece of the pancake.

Tanya look around the house and look back to me, "Is this a hotel or something? Coz you guys have different last names!" she said while looking to all of us.

Yeah this house doesn't look like a home but it's a house and it really look like a house I just don't know what is she thinking right now!

She look around us which is really weird, "I mean...." she paused as she lean at the table holding a fork on her hand, "...your not relatives? Coz there's Toro, Iero and Way!" she continued while pointing the fork to our faces as she say our names.

"We're really not relatives!" Frank smiled at her as she nodded but I think she still don't understand that thing about us.

"Frank and I are orphans, while Gerard and Mikey are the sons of the owner of the house and the one who kept us" Ray explained and I saw that his pancake's almost gone while mine's still whole.

As I ate a piece of it Tanya look at me suspiciously, I rised my brow and look at her.

"We live here as a family before my parents and Stacey died!" I explained although it's hard for me to say that Stacey is already dead, but that's the truth. I still stared at Tanya but she look away and take a bite of her pancake.

Tears almost full my eyes that is about to fall, but I kept it inside and never let it out.

I felt silence when they heard the last words I've said, until Tanya broke it up.

"Sorry if I'm going to ask this. But who's Stacey? She seems important to all of you!" Tanya asked, I can't look into her eyes coz I don't want them to see me cry.

That question is hard for me to explain how much important Stacey to us or to me.

Time Bomb (My Chemical Romance Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora