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~Michelle's Pov~

Tanya already have a boy friend and now living with handsome and hot 4 guys, I hate it, as I watch their car drove away, I'm really mad at her. I ENVY HER A LOT.

I snapped out and go back inside and grab my phone at the table, I entered random number and Mr. Anderson answered the phone.

Mr. John Richard Anderson is the CEO of some sort of science company, he's the one that's looking for Tanya for 3 months because of her stupid Time Machine.

"Hello?" Mr. Anderson aproach at the phone, I shivered a bit about what I'm doing.

"Hello? Mr. Anderson? I'm Tanya's friend Michelle. I have something to tell you!" I said as I become nervous about this thing, I hate Tanya.

"Please don't waste my time!" he said, I think he's busy and I need to tell it quickly, "I saw... Tanya with... 4 guys and I think she's still here in... New Jersey" I said while cutting some of it.

I know what I'm doing, I just envy everything she owns, I mean, she owns everything, she's always the best, she's always the first, she's always the highest, she gets everything she wanted, and now she had a boy friend with friends like Gerard which is really hot, and living with them, God! Won't you just give me a bit?

"Where can I find her?" I snapped out as he ask the question, "I don't know their house, but she's living with Way brothers!" I explained.

I don't really want to do this, but I want to be the first now, I want to be the best now, I want Tanya to be gone in the picture and replace it with me.

"I think we know what to do now." he said, which made me think what will he do then. I hear he turn the phone off, he's not a nice guy really.

This is the time where I will be the first, I grabbed the picture of Tanya and me on my wallet and look at it for a minuite, we're still in middle class here and we both happy. But now everything seems change, I'll take you down with your boy friend and let Gerard fell in-love with me, "I'm sorry Tanya, I have loved you but then it change!" I ripped the photo and burned it.

Now all I have to do is to wait for Mr. Anderson to caught Tanya.

Suddenly something snapped into my mind, what the hell is on her mind and she needs another Nitrogen? What are they about to do with 4 gallons of Nitrogen, and why Nitrogen? Are the 4 guys is going to make the fastest car and join the car race? What the fuck? This feeling is weird or I feel Karma is coming to me in no time.

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