"We'll get stronger."

Mimosa and Klaus stopped walking as they heard Yuno's voice. As Yuno turned towards them, he had a serious look on his face as he stared back at them.

"This is only the beginning. We'll get stronger, after all, we're members of the strongest magic knight squad!"

Mimosa and Klaus were both shocked by what Yuno said. As Mimosa agreed with Yuno, Klaus had a small smile on his face as he thought to himself.

"So he doesn't want to be in Kyoya's shadow. I guess Yuno sees Kyoya as a rival. Though I wonder what the boy could be up to."

~With Kyoya~
As Kyoya was walking out of the village, he felt the weird sensation in his chest again. Soon he walked forward as he returned to the building that he saw earlier. This place was the so called Sanctuary that Byakuran was looking for.

"You made it just in time

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"You made it just in time."

As Kyoya turned around, he saw Kurono behind him. Soon the man puts his hands on Kyoya's shoulders. While this happened, Kyoya was fighting the urge to run away as fast as he could.

"You've seemed to have gained more muscle. You're almost as tall as me. Why couldn't stay as weak as you were back then?"

"Uncle Re-........Kurono, what is it that you've brought me here for?"

"The Child of Pride, the young man you faced, was right about the Sanctuary being here. That saves me time to explain. Each Child of Sin was granted tremendous power from the Witch of Greed. However, it isn't free. You'd either had to make a contract with her and she hands it to you directly or you pass a trial and prove you're worthy of inheriting such power."

Soon Kurono walked towards the Sanctuary as Kyoya followed him. Kurono stopped just at the entrance as he looked at Kyoya. While he looked at Kyoya, he simply continued to explain the situation.

"You see even if one person were to find this place, it will reject anyone that isn't worthy. That is to say, they lack the Authority of Greed. If anyone else but the Child of Greed were to step foot into here or a person that she doesn't see as worthy of being here, they will slowly feel their body deteriorate and die. As for me.....I made a contract with her. As she gave me this right arm, I only had one task to do."

Suddenly Kurono punched Kyoya in his stomach. As the boy was on the ground in pain, Kurono kicked his head so he was now unconscious. Soon Kurono picked him up by his hair and threw him inside of the Sanctuary.

"That is to guide the Child of Greed and force him to go through his first trial. It's time Echidna, you'll get to see just what kind of life your favorite subject has lived."

A single woman was seen in a grassy field all by herself. As she puts her teacup down, she had a serious expression on her face. Soon she began to process the situation.

"The Child of Lust has brought Kyoya to the Sanctuary. It also looks like ordering Silver to freeze the village was a good idea. Now that I know that he's also compatible with the ice, I guess the inheritance will soon be upon us. For now, i'll simply watch what show you put on for me Kyoya Fullbuster. Your first trial is about to begin. I can't wait to solve the mystery that you call a past. It's time to see the steps that started you on your journey."

After a long battle against Byakuran, Kurono finally revealed his true intentions as the real mastermind behind Sun Village being frozen has been brought to light

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After a long battle against Byakuran, Kurono finally revealed his true intentions as the real mastermind behind Sun Village being frozen has been brought to light. The Witch of Greed's first trial is about to begin. The past of Kyoya Fullbuster is about to be revealed.

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