Can You Imagine?

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Can you imagine
How men walk on water
And leaving a long trail of
Footprints behind

Can you imagine
It licking their toenails
But not going further
They're walking, alive

I know it's like magic
It's water, no solid
But all I am saying is
Think of it, right

'cause you think you know what
The rules of the world are
But only from habit
Though that is no proof

Just think of it, be there
A part of a second
Just see it is possible
Why would it not?

Your answer is "science"
And yes I agree here
That science predicts fine
How things will act like

But if you were seeing
A man walk on water
When you're almost drowning
And he would say come

Can you imagine
That people would rather
Go drown in the water
Than open their mind

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