Chapter 51 - Doubt

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She heroically held back her tears until Omer's footsteps died away at the end of the corridor. And then she covered her face with her hands and cried. Was she wrong? Are all those feelings of her husband in which she was sure are only her fantasies and delusions, and all that he said to her is words and only words? Didn't he feel and does not feel for her such a huge, unconditional, endless love, which she herself loves him?

The door opened and Laura's head stuck through it.

- Defne, I have entrusted Sedа's affairs and will leave earlier. Banu will come to visit in the evening, and I want to ... - she saw the tear-stained face of her friend and quickly entered the office. Squatting down in front of Defne, she turned her face to her and asked:

- What happened?

- Yes, so, nonsense, - Defne quickly wiped away her tears and tried to smile. - Of course, go home. And take me with you. There are no meetings and appointments for today, and I can draw at home.

- Let's go, - Laura agreed and stared thoughtfully at her friend who was busy collecting things and dressing. - But on the way, you will tell me everything.

Laura was driving and listening attentively to Defne's story. When she fell silent, the girl spoke:

"Defne, but actually Omer is right. In relation to Laila, there are only suspicions and they have not been proven. If Omer fires her, it won't be fair. She can even sue Passionis.

- But then why did he fire me? The situation was similar. Although no! The current one is much worse. Then the firm was under threat, and now the wife and the child. - Defne fell silent and turned pale. Laura stopped the car outside Iplikci's house and turned to her friend. She sat, covering her mouth with her hand, and tears glittered in her eyes again. Lowering her hand, she whispered: - So it is. Passionis is more important to him than bead and me.

- Defne! - Laura was indignant. - What are you saying? Omer loves you like crazy! He doesn't let dust fall on you! He breathes you!

"He's a man," she said, looking at one point.

- A loving man! - Laura took her by the shoulders and shook her. - The man who will soon become a father for the first time.

"Should we not know that for most men, children and family are not the main values in life," Defne looked at her friend, and her heart sank with pity for her - her eyes were so unhappy.

"But not in the case of Omer," Laura said firmly. - Defne, I understand that you are offended, but do not wind yourself up and do not invent something that is not even in sight. Omer loves you. Remember this. Forget now your quarrel and remember all the beautiful things that happened between you. Okay?

Defne nodded and opened the car door. She smiled exhausted at her friend and said goodbye:

- See you! Thank you for your support. Run to cook treats for Banu. She will be glad. You will kiss her for me and say that Esra said hello.

- Surely, - Laura assured and reminded: - Don't wind up yourself! You promised me.

Defne nodded and got out of the car.

Zehra met her at the house. Not expecting the hostess so early, she threw up her hands and spoke in fright:

- Defne, my daughter, are you sick? Did something happen? Why did you come back so early? And why alone?

Defne squeezed out a smile and hurried to reassure the kind woman:

"It is okay, Sister Zehra. I have no business in the office, and I can draw at home. In comfortable clothes and a cozy atmosphere. Will you make me tea?

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