Chapter 34

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                      Sweet Baby Jesus

Warning...Mature content

I gulped as he unzipped my gown making it fall to the ground ,leaving me in my Victoria secrets black lingerie . His eyes darkened as his blue eyes scanned me ,taking me all in ,while I stood there a nervous mess . I heard him mutter"beautiful",though i don't think i was meant to hear it .

He pushed me lightly making me fall on the bed ,my feet  touching  the floor . He raised my gown up and i let him making him smirk . He  kneeled between my legs and i took a deep breath as he pulled my panties down to my knee and smiled mischievously .

"Sweet baby Jesus", i said as i felt Reede's    tongue in my cunt . I think it was drawing shapes in there . Unfamiliar noises started to come out from my mouth as well as a string of curses as his hands worked wonders on my breasts.

"Reede....oh m God...Fuck ....Fuck Reede ...Shit",i say as i feel a tightening at the pit of my stomach . I begin to scream his name as i finally felt like the knot loosen up .

"oh my God,what the hell was that?",i asked as i pull my panties back up.

" Oh that, I just gave you your first orgasm ,ate you out ,gave you head , gave you a ...",he says before i cut him off.

"OK OK ,I think i get the picture . It was mind blowing by the way ",i say still nervous.

"Hey , don't over think this OK . I'm not going to run down the halls and tell everyone i ate you out ", he says and pecks my cheek.

"I know ,and there's an extra toothbrush in the bathroom in case you wanna get that taste out of your mouth ", i say

"Sure , if that means i can give you a proper kiss even though i don't mind having you on my tongue . I mean you taste really good ",he says teasing before entering the bathroom.

"TMI Reede ,i didn't need to know that last part", i say laughing.

I quickly text the girls so they don't bother coming to the room and they all ask to hear the full details tomorrow . I see that the time is 9:27 which means that the date is long over .Looks like they each also have some explaining to do tomorrow.

Reede comes out and cuddles me on the bed . My head on his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"This feels nice",he said

"yeah ,yeah it does

We talk for a very long time about his family ,our childhood , my dad , josh and I's history till date and we exchanged some good advice .

"If someone had told me that we'll be in this position a month ago ,i'd have laughed my ass off ", i say and we both laugh.

"and now?",he says and i feel him looking at me.

"I wouldn't have it any other way ", i say and kiss his chest snuggling closer to him.

We stay like that for minutes silence engulfing us . It was a comfortable silence as we both seemed to be deep in thought .

I raise my eyes to see the alarm clock on the bedside next to Reede's head reading 11:59. I quickly jump up and Reede looks at me with a confused expression . I pay no mind to him as i dig my hand into my bag until i hit a hard surface ,the pack of the watch . I pull it out and hand it to a confused Reede. I look at the clock ;12:00. . I lean over and kiss him . It wasn't heated as usual . It was a gentle and soft kiss with more meaning than either of us could imagine .

"Happy birthday ",i say and peck him again before standing straight .

" Angel , How did you know today was my birthday . I mean i didn't even tell  anyone.",he said

"Really ,you didn't tell anyone ?i thought it was just me ", I say sitting next to him.

"What!of course not . I just didn't want to celebrate it 'cause of my parents",he said looking down.

I covered his hand with my own ." What happened?", i asked

"They boughg me a Bentley",he said

"That's great Reede . Wait...why aren't you happy ",i asked

" Because they thought my birthday was on Tuesday. That's one of the reasons i was so pissed. I'm surprised they even called even though it was barely five minutes . They were so quiet when I told them it was today . I just didn't feel like celebrating it . I mean if the  people that gave birth to me don't care enough to remember the day i was born ,i don't think friends will.",he said

"Well, i care and i'm sorry . Now open your gift",i said trying to lighten the mood .

" Amy , How did you ...Wow..This model came out few weeks ago ,i haven't had the chance to buy one . Thanks Amy . I love it .",he says and pecks me on the lips

"You're very welcome", i say happy

"So ,how did you know it was my birthday ?",he asked still admiring the watch that was now on his wrist.

"So....Bianca told me ", i say

"Bianca , how did she....oh,that little snake. She most have overheard my discussion with my sister on the phone", he said laughing

"Yeah,she probably did", i said

"Well, i'm glad she told you . I love the watch Amy . I've been wanting it for weeks now and i heard it's pretty expensive ",he says

"It's no problem . It just took a little of my birthday savings of  last year . No biggie ",i said grinning widely .

"Well,it's a big deal to me",he says and pecks my lips.

"I love you ",,he says it so casually , i thought i was hearing things . Until i looked at him and saw his eyes widen in shock .But ,not shock that he had said it but shock he had said it out loud .

Reede Knight is in love with me?

"Um...,i should go . Bye Amy and thanks again",he says and pecks my forehead before leaving .

               What in the Actual Fuck just happened?

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