Chapter 22

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                   22//   Hugs and Kisses

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Tristan and Nat kissing passionately beside Anna, scratch that, they were eating each other's faces off.

Chelsea passed by them and sat next to Chelsea but they didn't even notice . I cleared my throat as I walked pass them and sat next to Chelsea , only then did they separate. Lips swollen, faces flushed, it was hilarious. We all burst into laughter.

"I'll see you later , babe ", Tristan said and left to seat with the guys.

"BABE!!! ", Chelsea and I said in unison.

"OK, Ok, I'll explain ".

And, she spent the a good 30 minutes explaining. Principal Jenkins gave us a welcome address and some ground rules which I didn't hear, thanks to Nat's rambling.

It turns out that Tristan apologized to Anna and Anna forgave him. He then asked Nat to be his girlfriend and she said yes, obviously , hence the make out session.

I made sure to tell Nat how happy I am am for her ,throughout the ride to the hotel.

We finally got to the hotel we'll be staying throughout our trip. It was very beautiful and I was very excited. I was a little uneasy because I had not seen Reede but I'm sure I'll see him soon.

The rooms are four each and everyone starts pairing up. I stay with my squad of course.

Anna gets our key from the principal. B-12 .Nat, Anna, Chelsea and I head to our room and it's pretty nice. There is a large king size bed set at the center of the room ,a closet and a bathroom. The room is comfy.

Everyone starts calling dibs for what side of the bed they want to be .

After arranging our belongings, we go down to the lounge where we all agrees to meet principal Jenkins and the two teachers that followed us. When we get down, we see other students also entering and soon, everyone is here.

"Welcome to Las Vegas once again students . Like I said earlier, we have a fun activity planned for each day. I have someone passing the schedule to each one of you. "

Only then do I see a certain sheet of paper in everyone's hands. It soon gets to our seat and I get mine and read the content.


Monday -  movie night
Tuesday - game night
Wednesday - pool party
Thursday - Bon fire
Friday - shopping spree
Saturday - date night
Sunday - seniors ball

"As you can all see, we'll be having a movie night today. Everyone should dress decently and accordingly. I will not be there to monitor you as I believe you're adults and you will be responsible. Every morning ,you are to gather at the lounge where your teachers will explain to you the events of that day . Make sure you are down by 5 for today's activity . Also children , curfew is by 10 . If you choose to explore Las Vegas yourself or with friends after our usual activities  be sure to tell a teacher. On no condition should anyone exchange their rooms. By that, I mean that no female and male student should be sleeping in the same hotel room. And if you do  I hope you're being safe. Once again, enjoy your stay students", she says before dismissing us.

On my way back to my room, I see Reede ascending the stairs. I run up to meet him and link our hands together.

"Hey ", I say smiling.

"Hi angel ",he says

I don't think I'll ever get used to him calling me angel 😊👉👈.

"I've been looking for you all morning ", I blurted out

"Oh really ",Reede says before he smirks

"Shut up " ,I say laughing

"What room are you in ?",I ask trying to change the topic.

" D-20",he says "what about you ",he adds

"B-12",I say

We're now in the lobby. My room is just down the hall.

" So I guess I'll be paying you a visit sometime ", he said hopeful

" I'll really like that Mr knight ", I say in a flirty voice

"Hmm, I'll see you later angel. I have to take care of something first ",he looks at me knowingly and I blush realizing what he means.

I hug him and hesitate on whether to kiss him or peck him. He beats me to it, taking my mouth in his . I feel  fireworks and a shiver runs down my spine as I open my mouth and grant him permission. I hear an involuntary moan escape my lips. Our tongues dance together before we pull apart.

"Bye Reede ",I say and run off to my room not wanting him to see my swollen lips and flushed face.

I hear him chuckle and I know he saw my face. I can't help but laugh. I quickly enter my room and lean against the door with my eyes closed. I replay the kiss in my head and I can't help the huge smile that takes over my face.

I'm cutoff from my daydreaming by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I open my eyes and find three pairs of eyes looking keenly at me in confusion, amusement and interest.

"So are you going to tell us what made you so happy or not ? " , Anna says, a cheeky grin on her face.

"yeah Amy , tell us what happened ",Nat says

"Guys, let's order food first . I'm starving. So, we can have food with the entertainment ",Chelsea says and we all laugh and agree.

I call the restaurant downstairs and order lunch. In exactly five minutes, the food is here. I take the trays of food from the young man and give him a tip of $10 dollars, even though we're not expected to pay for food.

I open the tray and see that it's Chinese rice and chicken and a bottle of Pepsi beside it. I look round and see that that's what we're all having . Delicious.

I tell them about the kiss Reede and I shared and they're all happy for me. We eventually finish our food and get our outfits for movie night ready before deciding to take a nap.

Nat set her alarm for 4'0 clock. The time was almost two so I could have a decent nap. I read a book on wattpad : Decisions by Teeenah_xx .  I eventually fell asleep at the last chapter of the book. Time for movie night.

A/N: Please support me by clicking on the little star at the bottom of your screen. Thank you 😘.

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