Chapter 30

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                   Fuck my life

It's Thursday, the day of the bonfire. I'm so happy and I genuinely feel like absolutely nothing or nobody can spoil my mood.  I'm finally in a great place with both Reede and Ryan . I felt on top of the world . We all got downstairs at 5 . We headed down to the bus and chatted away in the long drive to the site we'll be having the bonfire.

A huge fire was already lit with benches carved from wood all around the site . We decided to play Never have I ever and unfortunately for me,Bianca was part of the people who were down to play. If you've done whatever is said ,you pay 10 bucks to try and raise money for the Phoenix orphanage ( totally made up) . My school makes loads of cash from seniors week which they donate to the orphanage.

The game begins and so far , I haven't dropped a dime . I can't say the same for Reede, Ryan ,Luke ,Ethan .....hell , the wallets of half the  boys here have lost a little weight . I begin to laugh at that thought  when I hear Bianca.

"Never have I ever kissed or fucked another girl's man", she says glaring into my soul.

I unwillingly give 10 bucks to Josh who was assigned the job of collecting the cash .

" cough*slut*cough" ,I hear Ariel say and they both laugh.

" Don't pay them any attention Amy ",Anna says next to me matching their glares.

I squeeze her hand ," thank you".

She tells me all about her progress with Travis, both of us lost not more than 30 bucks each in that game.

I never thought I was a good girl;)

Not long after ,Anna and I's chit-chat is cut off by arguments for the game to play next. They settle on the good ol' suck and blow .This game never ends well.

Suck and blow basically is a game where you put a piece of paper on your lips and pass it to the next person trying to make sure the paper doesn't fall off .If it does ,then you have to kiss the person you were trying to pass the paper to basically.

New seating arrangements are formed so its girl,boy ,girl,boy....

I'm left in between Ariel and Ryan,with Reede next to Ariel who's acting like a love sick teenager who technically she is . Talk about uncomfortable.

The game begins with Anna kissing Travis and making out ever since ,Bianca kissing Luke and going to puke *gags*. A part of me hopes that the paper falls between me and Ryan so I don't have to touch Ariel's STD infected lips. While the other half prays that principal Jenkins gets here now so I don't have to do either.

But as expected , all hope is lost when I feel Ryan's warm lips on mine . I immediately pull away and before I can turn to see Reede's reaction , I feel a hot slap on my face . I mean that literally my face is hot,burning, on fire,lit .....before I think of more synonyms,I do something I've never done in my seventeen years of existence, I pounce on her, literally. I see red and just slap every skin I see that belongs tho her. I feel myself being pulled away by someone.

"You're a slut Amy ,you're despicable. You always paint me out to be the bad person when really you're a fucked up son of a bitch who kisses people's boyfriends, maybe fuck them ,make them humiliate their girlfriend's and you don't even have the decency to apologize. Instead, you chose to do it again in front of anybody .I may be a bad person but you're the devil . I hope you're happy now ,you finally got to see the queen b cry. I'll fuck you up so bad, I promise you. Motherfucking stupid ass bitch",she says crying before she runs away leaving me to replay every single word in my head . I felt strands of hair cover my hair ,I pushed it away and felt familiar wetness on my cheeks. I left under the excuse I was sick and boarded a taxi to the hotel.

                 FUCK MY LIFE...

A/N:Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter . please comment and  support me by clicking on the little star below

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