Chapter 21

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                        21// Takeoff

After my dad had signed all papers requesting his permission to let me go on this trip.He dropped me at the airport but not before giving me a credit card I knew will be loaded. Despite the fact that I may not need it, I smile and thank him.

When I enter the plane, I see a free seat near the window ,right next to Chelsea. I use my eyes to look for Anna and Nat but I don't find them so I say hi to Chelsea ,get comfortable and get ready for takeoff.

"so where's Nat and Savannah? ",I asked Chelsea immediately after takeoff

"They decided to take the first plane so they could talk to Tristan ",she explains

"So I'm gonna miss all the drama ",I say and we both laugh

"So are you going to tell me what's going on between you and Josh? ",I ask Chelsea after a few minutes

"Umm... what.. I.....i don't know what you're talking about ",she stutters turning her face away from me.

I place my hands on Chelsea's hand so she turns to face me, " Look Chelsea, we're friends you can talk to me about anything. Tell me what's going on. I won't judge. I promise ",I say trying to convince her.

"OK, fine. Josh has been telling me for a while now that he likes me but I told him I can't be with him. I promise you Amy.",Chelsea says and I'm stunned.

"That is not what I expected", I say

"Yeah", Chelsea says

"Are you mad at me ?" Chelsea asks

"What! Why will I be mad at you? ",I ask Chelsea

"I kinda heard about your history with Josh and I know you'll feel betrayed if I'm with him ",Chelsea says

"What !of course not. I'll never make you risk your happiness because of my issues with Josh "

"Really? ",Chelsea asks still unsure

"yes ", I tell her meaning it and she smiles.

"Oh my God, Chelsea. Do you like Josh? ",I ask after seeing the look on her face.

"What... Pftt.....Hmm... Of course not... What ",she says not meeting my eyes. A habit of hers when she's lying.

"Chelsea stop lying. You like him ",I say

"OK OK , I like him. I'm really sorry Amy ",she says

"Look Chelsea ,there's nothing to be sorry for. I'm happy for you ",I say and hug her

"really? ",she asks releasing the hug

"really, and I give you my blessings ",I say and we both laugh

"you're the best Amy ",she says hugging me

"So I've been told ",I say smiling

" I'll make sure Josh apologizes for everything. It may not make it better, but that's the only way I won't feel guilty about being with him ",she says as we pull apart.

"Whatever you want Chelsea ",I say with a smile.

"Thanks Amy",she says genuinely with a wide grin.

"Chelsea's gonna have a boyfriend... Chelsea's gonna have a boyfriend "I say loudly in a singsong voice making other students in the plane look towards us.

"Amy, I can't believe you ",Chelsea says blushing as she covers my mouth.

She finally removes her hand and we both start laughing. We spend the rest of the ride laughing, talking and sleeping.

I wake up hearing a voice telling us we've arrived in Las Vegas. I didn't even know we had landed. I wake Chelsea up.

We  grab our luggage and head out of the plane. Immediately we're down, I breathe in the sweet air and mutter to myself, "This is going to be one hell of a trip ".

Chelsea and I see the students that went with the first plane in front of the airport. We quickly go towards them so we can find Nat and Anna. All the students are sitting on waiting chairs. Chelsea and I walk past them heading to the back to get to the last seats that were empty.

I'm following Chelsea, looking at everyone as I pass. When I finally look up to where we're sitting, I can't believe what I'm seeing .

A/N:What did Amy see? Read and find out.

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