Chapter 33

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                     Am i in heaven?

    Chelsea and i went upstairs ,we told Nat and Anna what had happened and we all had a good laugh  about it. We started dressing up for our date . We all got dressed in our mini dresses we had bought the day before . It was in different colors . Mine is white ,Nat's is blue ,Anna's is black and Chelsea's is gold . The gown was tight down to the mid section and was free from the waist down . It was really pretty.

Nat and Chelsea did Anna and I's makeup as well as theirs . We wore different shoes since we have different tastes. I wore heels that are really comfortable. We headed to the lounge downstairs and everyone had a date so Principal Jenkins wasted no time leading us to the section of the hotel we were having our date.It was a beautiful garden with candles lit making a path and petals as decorations . It was really pretty.

"Welcome to Angel's garden", Principal Jenkins said before leaving.

Guys came guiding their dates to their respective tables. My friends had left me and i felt a cool breeze before i inhaled Reedes scent, bubble gum and mint making me want to just lick him.

"Is it my eyes or am i in heaven? I'm seeing an angel in angel's garden",he said ,his minty breath fanning my face.

"you're so corny ", i said laughing

He took my hand and guiding me to our table . He made sure i was sitting before he sat across me.

I looked up after we had both seated and saw Ryan and .....Bianca. What the fuck!
Isn't he supposed to like me ,hate her . I mean he humiliated her in front of the whole school and she still went in a date with him ,desperate much.

"Amy",Reede said loudly making me avert my gaze from Ryan to him.

"I called you like five times but you didn't even hear me ,you were too busy looking at Burns. Are  you like jealous or something that he's here with Bianca. It's OK if you don't want to be here with me . I promise I'll understand", he said with a pained expression.

I stretched my hand across the table and took his hand in mine.

"Look at me,i promise this isn't me being jealous ,this is me being shocked that she'll follow him after what he did and that he didn't ask me even though he really 'likes 'me",i said putting air quotes on like.

"Fine,i believe you . Love is blind ",he said staring into my eyes

I wonder if he's talking about Ryan and Bianca or the both of us.  I let it go seeing how awkward it'll be .

"Wanna get out of here", i say trying to break the silence.

"where to ?",he asked

" I don't know ,let's go to my room ",i said.

"Hmm , that desperate to have a piece of this ",he says wiggling his brows.

"cocky much ,let's go ",i said . I'm acting like i'm some drunk ,desperate slut when i haven't even had a sip of alcohol. I've barely touched my food.

"Just follow my lead .Let's go.",we stood up and i saw Nat wink at me from across the room and i shake my head at her laughing. Reede and i leave and see one of our teachers ,we pretend that i want to throw up and he paid us no attention luckily .

We got into my room and i locked the door as we laughed our asses off before attaching our lips together hungrily . We walked towards the bed and i didn't know i was loosing his buttons till i threw the shirt on the bed .   He began to unbutton his jeans and i became so nervous .

" Hey what's wrong ?",he asked

"I ...i'm not...",i stuttered praying that he'll get the message .

"It's OK ,i get it .you're not ready",he said and smiled.

He started to button his jeans back .

" Can't we do other things ", i said wrapping my hands around his torso .

"i thought you'll never ask ", he says smiling mischievously and i gulp.

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