Chapter 1

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   Amy Sanders is a normal 17 year old highschool girl raised by her dad after her mum dies during childbirth. She has been bullied by the queen B of the school, Bianca and her boyfriend Josh who happens to be Amy's cousin. When the highest paid model in Beverly Hills, Ryan Burns transfers to Futures Academy and takes a liking to Amy . It appears too good to be true especially when he makes a big joke of her at Reede's party and eventually starts dating Bianca. Amy is heartbroken but Reede is there to mend her broken heart.

Amy and Reede eventually start dating and she discovers a new meaning of true love with him . He treats her like a queen and always puts her first. When Ryan disgraces Bianca in front of the whole school and tells Amy that it was all an act to disgrace Bianca for everything she had done to Amy and asks Amy for a second chance. What will Amy choose?

Will Amy forgive Ryan and be with him so she can satisfy all of her highschool cravings or will she stay with Reede who was always with her and give herself a shot at true love. Why not read and find out.

  01//  And the Story begins....

    It's a good day in Beverly Hills. It's finally Amy's senior year. There's gonna be prom, seniors week,wild sex and a lot of crazy parties. Amy woke up feeling like she was going to  die, because of her noisy alarm clock. She yawns,"is it morning already?".

   Just then, she hears her dad yelling from downstairs, "honey, you're gonna be late on your first day ".

She replied ,"be down in a sec".

After the usual  morning routine ,Amy finally got to her school, Futures Academy .Now here's the thing, though she was as pretty as hell, beauty and brains, she isn't popular. She's just seen as a nerd and she did her best to stay hidden.

When she got to her class, she took an empty seat at the front and got settled in. The first period began and was almost halfway through ,when Bianca Suarez, the most popular girl in the school walked in with her best friend , Ariel or as Amy calls her, Bianca 's minion. She had all the trending clothes  and always seemed to have everyone's attention. She went to the back and got sorted. For some reason, Bianca has bullied Amy since......  forever .Can't blame her though, Amy's the full package so she should be scared of her  "reputation" as the queen B of Futures Academy.

There were  two more classes before lunch break. Amy went to the cafeteria early because she hadn't eaten that morning.

As she was eating , Bianca and her friend, Ariel came . Bianca said, "come on Amy, you're a senior now, so eat like one. Even if you didn't have breakfast that's no reason to eat like an animal",and Ariel laughed.

Amy said, "mind your own business" ,then Bianca said, "No one tells me what to do",then she said,"you must be thirsty, have a drink ",then she emptied Amy's  smoothie over her hair and said "bitch ".

    Everyone in the cafeteria sat there in utter silence watching Amy Sanders get humiliated by the queen b on the first day of school. Then Amy tells herself "way to stay hidden ", then she leaves the cafeteria, normally she'd run out but this was already a normal thing for her to be humiliated by Bianca, while everyone sits watching, no one bold enough to stand up to her, else they'll be sure to get it from Josh, Bianca's boyfriend. Now here's the funny story, he's Amy's cousin........

^^Rytah_05 ^

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